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Welcome to the Apologetics page. The word Apologetic come from the Greek word: "apologetikos" meaning to defend. Apologetics is a branch of theology devoted to the defense of the divine origin and authority of Christianity. This can be done in many ways. Through archaeology, science, etc... Apologetics can be as simple as standing firm on the Word of God when being personally questioned.

The Bible tells us we are to be ready to defend/give an answer as to why we believe what we do.

1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer ("apologia" or defense) to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."

Our hope with this page is to supply you with resources that will help you in your growth and defense of the Word of God. I encourage you to check out some of these sites. I believe you will be amazed at the overwhelming evidence and defense for God's Holy Word.







The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry is an organization that provides well documented information on non-Christian cults such as Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Christadelphians, Unitarians, Christian Science, etc.  It tackles the New Age Movement, Evolution, Atheism, and many more subjects.  With a Dictionary of Theology, a Section on Tough Questions, and actual dialogues with non-Christians, CARM is a useful and practical site.



A mega-site providing biblical answers to contemporary questions for all ages and nationalities.. ANSWERS to tough and important questions, on such subjects as Creation, Bible archaeology, theology, parenting, sex, abortion, social issues and much more..



This site provides research resources on religious groups, movements, etc… The site provides information that helps equip Christians to logically present and defend the Christian faith, and that aids non-Christians in their comparison of various religious claims.



Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, focusing mainly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis. For example, such questions would be: Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Why couldn’t God have used evolutionary processes to create? Was Noah’s Flood global or local? What’s the best ‘proof’ of creation? How can we see distant stars in a young universe? What about the ‘big bang’?



This site contains a little of everything to help Christians answer those tough questions about their faith.  Subject and issues span from: Religions and Doctrines, to issues like suicide or self mutilation. It's Definitely worth checking out!



This site provides scholarly answers to serious questions on major and minor elements of the Christian faith. This site has over 1500 different articles and mini-articles on a variety of apologetics subjects, mostly addressing Skeptics, but also a variety of other religions.



This site answers tough questions, such as, Does God exist? Is the God of the Bible really God? How can you know that the Bible is true? What do the unwise say? Hasn't science shown that the Bible is in error? AND MUCH MORE



This ministry is designed to provide Christians worldwide with carefully researched information and well-reasoned answers that encourage them in their faith and equip them to intelligently represent it to people influenced by ideas and teachings that assault or undermine orthodox, biblical Christianity.

There will be more links to come!