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Welcome to ~=][TTK][=~ Headquarters!!!


Wazzup?!?... This is ~=][TTK][»Å†HØ«][FÐR]=~ ur fearless leader and webmaster!!! Welcome to ~=][Trained To Kill][=~ Muhahahahaha!! I made this website mostly for the members in ~=][TTK][=~ and also for people who wanna know about us or who are interested in joining our community. I'm still working on the site so it may look a little bare untill I get all the pages up and add some graphics so please bare with me (at least it's up lol). I will be updating it regularly I'll probably be doing the site more than playing swat untill it's done :( ... Trust me it will be alot better when it's done lol. Anyways ~=][TTK][=~ is looking for a mod maker if u are a mod maker or know someone please e-mail us!!!!! In the future I hope to have our own mods and after the site im going to work on clan uniforms!!! Anyways enough talking for now give me some feed back on this site let me know how to improve it. Thanks.....


how many visitors


This site and everything on it belong to ~=][TTK][=~ and its members do not steal or copy us!!!! © and ® TTK