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Guild Magic: (Please Post Here)
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The possibility that you could be a member in our guild. Is important to us, as it is to you. If you are interested in joining The Force: New Prohecy Elite/Invasion. You are more then, welcome. We are very selective, in who we let into our guild. If your interest is to "Power Level". This is NOT YOUR KIND OF GUILD, please turn back now! However, if you are looking for a Guild, having fun and aiding others. You may have come to the right, Guild. I hope that, you have found your home. We are looking for Players that wanta grow with the guild and make the guild strong. Groups and do their part. If you are a soloing player, couples, new to the game, need help with your alts.chars or just tired of being on the LFG list. This maybe your guild. You will be rewarded in what loots we get and help in many ways. A fun loving guild, working to help each other. We will get our levels and good loots and Epic Quest Items. All loot will be given on a who needs the most, by class and race on item. (ONLY IF THIS RAID WAS NOT PLANNED FOR SOMEONE). Your character need to be in the raid that the loots comes from. If two or more needs it. Roll of the dice, will let us know. ONLY FAIR? Below is a list of things we require you to do, before you will be considered for our guild. Thank you for stopping by to see what we are about. Please share this site with a friend. By the way (btw); This will be two guilds, Main guild would be New Prohecy Elites. Alt. Guild would be New Prophecy Invasion. Main Guild will have a level cap. Alt.Guild will be the raising of our members. These Guilds will be a group guild. If you are not willing to group with your own guildies. This may not be your guild. Main reason for these guilds are for grouping. We will take care of our own members first. We Travel in groups and we fight as one. This will not be a sit around guild, you need to move your character up in levels. That is why your alt. characters will be treated as your main (if they are in the guild). You can work on anyone of your alts. chars in this guild. We require the following conditions to be met: 1) Send an email to:, concerning your wish to be considered as a member for either one of the two guilds. He will appoint which guild you go into. No email, you will not be invited into the guild. 2) For invite into New Prophecy Elites: A current member must sponsor you and you must be level 47 and above. Lower level Atls. are able to enter into New Prohecy Invasion with no problems. 3) In email: Ref: Consider For Memebership. Have your race and class and level in it and a little about yourself. (As far as the game, concern). What you like to do in game and your goals. 4) Have a good reputation in the game and with other players. Be nice with your fellow guild members and players in the game. 5) Last and most important: That you are able to work as a team and to not just think of yourself. Everyone will be helped. Please, request raids with pently of time and we will have set days for guild stuff. Have those days set aside. This will be a must. Good luck on becomming a member of: New Propecy Elites and New Prophecy Invasion Force REMEMBER, WE TRAVEL IN GROUPS AND FIGHT AS ONE. A guild that grows together, stays together.
