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Corrupting the world one student at a time!


Welcome To Our Website


Most of you know who we are and what we do (if you don't see the FAQ at the bottom).
I'm glad to see so many people interested in TKB.  The best part about being in TKB is
you know we all got each others backs.  It took me about two weeks enrolled in Riddle
to realize that our school is over run with stuck-up plane obsessed nerds who would stab
you in the back just to get an A.  TKB is the answer to that problem.  Given enough time we
can change the world.  Or we could just get wasted and beat the shit out of them.  Either way
its a win-win situation.  Anyways, don't take everything you see on here to serious and if at any
point you become offended I believe you left your tissues next to your panties.  





FAQ about TKB

What the fuck does it stand for?
Tappa Kega Brew

What do you do in TKB?
Get away from the stupid fucks at our school, hang out with some truly unique people.


Why all the swearing?
If you get offended by this page you might want to think twice before coming to our house.


more to come.....





Sooner or l8er I will purchase a real web domain
like or until then
this is it so enjoy!