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                                                                            Metroid Prime

                             This is game was hailed one of the best games ever in Nintendo history. The storyline takes place right after Metroid, but before Metroid 2. The planet is set on Tallon IV, a horrific planet poisoned by the hazardous element, Phazon. Samus first receives a distress call from Space Frigate Orpheon. When she arrives there, she finds that the Space Pirates had attacked this place. She later escapes the Opheon, and tracks Ridley down on a nearby planet, Tallon IV. She's going to wipe out the Space Pirates once and for all...



             The graphics are astounding. The enemies look detailed and great. The lighting effects are neat and bright. The frame rate is very smooth and non-stopping. The environments are beautifully done.

          In game play, Metroid Prime rocks. The action is fun, and fighting enemies can be challenging. The AI are not dumb. Metroid Prime's fighting is not blasting endless waves and waves of mindless enemies. There are a variety of places, weapons, and items. The game is hard and can be beaten in around 20 hours. Controls might seem difficult at first, but when they're put into use, they work wonderfully.


                            Overall, Metroid Prime is a delight. It is definitely one of the best Nintendo games, or one of the best video games ever.

                                      My  Rating: 9.7 out of 10

                                     A must-buy for all Metroid fans and Gamecube owners.

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