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Freakier than Death
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by veran

Its been said, its been done

There are plenty of things in this world that don't seem to have any purpose, such as playing video games. They just sit there, while you mash buttons. Of course, it's addictive to those who enjoy just hitting the circular things. Not to me.

Then there are things that everyone dreams to do. Rule a nation, for instance. Most men would be happy with that. Napoleon, on the other hand, wanted to rule the world. What a sucker. No wonder he's dead. I ain't gonna' do something like that.

So in the end, whatever you can think of, it's already been done. So you can pack all your bags and hit the road into nothing. Unless you believe that everything is possible. Then you deserve to go to a mental heal clinic. Knock some sense into you.

That is what I believe. After that. It was a freaky experience and obviously, I'd never do it again. Then again, I never had a choice.

I was walking home from college. It was cold, dark, and messy. I was around the construction site on 34th. There were homes, all calm and quiet on the other side. It had an eerie feeling to it all.

You're thinking right now that this is just another one of those horror stories in which the guy goes down a street, get's attacked, and get's eternally screwed, right? You're right, in a sense. Ignore my words and make up your own story and you got it.

The wind was blowing unusually hard at that moment. Not a good sign. I was munching on my Big Mac while huddling tight in my trench coat. Got to play it safe. My thoughts were on my physics test tomorrow, something that I had dreaded right from the start.

A scream.

That's all it was. At first I was kind of shocked, but I was in a big city, this happens every day. It's not like I'm going to get involved. That was my instinct. Of course, it isn't always right. As a matter of fact, it never is.

That's something I wish was. It happened again and I started to walk toward the sound, coming from behind the construction. I was alone and maybe this is a babe in distress that I can rescue. You never know. Gals always love a hero.

Then I saw them. A man with a chain being shook around his wrist. A girl was shrieking from the wall in front of him. He was enjoying the torment. Disgusting, period. I ran, quietly, behind him. Then I gave the hardest kick that I could. This knocked the man down. Quickly, I grabbed the woman and took off.

I'm not a martial artist, so he wasn't koed. I took a turn into an alley and threw the babe over a fence. I jumped over and picked her up. She wasn't too happy bout' that, but at least she was alive.

I began to comfort her and tell her everything was alright. She then gave me a quick kiss. Beautiful. I've got this made. She then asked for me to carry her home. You heard me, "carry". I had lucked out, big time.

Something was fishy right there, however. I should have said no, but who could resist the temptation? There isn't a soul alive who could.

We had gotten to the door and she asked me in. I immediately thought that the era of my virginity had come to a halt. I had waited for this day forever. I walked in with her. She led me to a back room with a bed. I turned to close the door, when I saw him. He was standing there behind the door.

I could have sworn we lost him. However, it was strange. He didn't do anything violent. He simply closed the door himself. And locked it. Turning, he smiled. Then the babe grabbed me squeezed while falling back. She must have been working out. I was out cold.

Waking up, later, I was tied to the bed, completely naked. My right hand was free however, and there was a pen and pencil sitting there. It was weird. I couldn't feel the bed, or the ropes. I had been drugged for numbness.

I looked up and saw them. It seemed that they were flipping a coin. The girl smiled as it appeared that she won. I could have easily untied my bonds had I been stronger. Boy, do I wish I was. They probably noticed that weakness. She then went down to me feet and placed her mouth on my toe.

She bit. My toe had been ripped off and in her mouth. She was chewing and grinning devilishly. The man went next and bit off the other toe.

These carnivore mad people had just ended my life. It was all over. Turning to the right, I began to write, this. It didn't hurt and I couldn't bear to watch it. If you're reading this, you probably agree already. Its been done, so now its going to be said.

Make it stop... please...

I've always been a quiet boy. Someone who never makes a fuss, obeys his parents, and is picked on at school. I don't mind it all that much, but I've always wanted to make it stop. It's annoying to be picked on constantly, but I guess I had it coming.

When I was a little kid, my parents would abuse and beat me. I absolutely hated it. My favorite movie at the time was Pinocchio and one night, I remembered that song. I went to my window and looked at the stars. I wished that all this abuse would stop. I would regret that forever.

Me and my family when to the circus one night and it was fun. Then during one of the final acts, some performers went berserk. My mom was murdered by a troupe of circus clowns. The one who had strangled her was fairly short and appeared to the authorities to be young. I was dramatized by the event my entire life. I managed to live, however. Until "it", happened.

I came home from a very lousy day. I had been beaten up by the biggest bully in school, Sean, and I had this sudden hate for him. That hate would grow much larger.

Sean was having his birthday party that Saturday. Obviously, I wasn't invited. He had hired this new clown in town to come who was supposed to be the best there was. I wished I was there, but in the end, I didn't really care.

The next day, it was all over the news. Sean had been attacked in his sleep. The only clue left was a picture. It showed a clown, strangling Sean. It seemed imminent that the police would catch the villain. Yet, the clown had disappeared. It wasn't until later, that he returned.

Days went by and I was happy. I wasn't being bullied since many of the kids were trying to get over the shock of Sean's death. I then met this girl... Karen. We had so much in common, that we fell in love. I thought life couldn't get any better. All of the sudden, she dumped me. Laughing in my face she told me that I was a geek and always would be.

I was heart broken. I began to cry. She just continued to laugh. I ran home and poured my tears into my pillow. It was very sad.

The clown returned that night. Karen was found strangled on her bed. Here neck was broke in half. I began to laugh. She had deserved it, being so mean to me.

Life was continuing to go on happily. My best friend, Mark and I would spend hours playing video games. I invited him over one night for a sleep over. Actually, we never planned on sleeping, just playing.

We were joking around when Mark decided that this was stupid. So, we went to bed. We spoke to each other through out the night. We were both real drowsy. Then he just blurted it out. He had called me an "ass hole". How it came, I do not know.

I began to get frustrated and teary eyed. He then called me a "bitch". That was the last straw. I jumped down on him and placed my hands around his neck. I pushed. He died. I had killed him. No...

I just sat there. He was looking off into nowhere. I knew that I would get into so much trouble. I looked at my hands, the hands that had just killed.

Running into the bathroom, I began to splash water on my face. I was so depressed. All of this had happened so quickly. Everyone had died within a month. I had known them so closely. I was hurt all over. My body ached from head to toe. That clown... That wish... That hatred... How did I become to evil?

It was my entire fault for making that wish. That clown had come because of my wish. I had asked to make it stop. I had begged. Now, I wanted the same. I wanted it all to end.

I could commit suicide or I could take my punishment like a man. I thought and thought. I just couldn't decide. This was going to be very difficult.

Then I looked up into the mirror. I had begun to calm down. Then I saw it. It, which had caused all my suffering and my shame.

Looking into the mirror, I saw the clown, makeup and all.


They were cold. A deep yellow that should have meant light. But they were frozen in pure darkness. Evil. Pure evil. That's all it was.

Aaron had just sat down on the couch with his TV dinner and decided to turn on the news. The macaroni on the plate began to burn through the cheaply made paper of the dinner.

"... This just in. The Incom Corporation, known for their biological research has just reported a massacre. One of their prime testing centers, Zaron Institute, has been... Am I reading this right? Completely wiped out. Everyone has been murdered. 300 scientists, 100 guards, and 246 test subjects. Police are still going through the mess to find one last body. One test subject appears to have escaped the slaughter. Or maybe he was the one who did it. However, that is impossible for one man to kill so many. Chief Scientist Hezeroth was out at dinner at the time ..." stated the reporter.

"I can't believe that this could happen... There's no way in hell that it was a bio explosion as there's no radiation and no chemicals have been detected. Everyone's going to believe that we're crazed people experimenting on other people," said a large, plump man. He was holding a white cat with yellow eyes in his arms as he spoke.

The reporter came back onto the screen, "Incom is currently being charged for illegal testing on other human beings. Although most were voluntary, there was not one project that benefited keeping them alive. If anyone has seen the escape test subject, 43918, please contact the station or police. He has brown hair, a beard, wears a white coat, and his eyes are stained a greenish yellow."

Aaron rolled his eyes. Typical. Although, he wouldn't be off guard. The Zaron Institute was in this city, so the culprit could be any where and Aaron exercised his second amendment right was a plethora of arms right under the couch. All loaded. He didn't have any kids, so it was alright for him to have them.

The back door shuddered. Probably just the cat, Whiskers, though Aaron. He continued to flip through channels. Suddenly, the screen went black. The lights turned off. Damnit. Not again. He was going to lodge, yet another complaint against the power company. He began to walk to the back door. His cat walked off to the top shelf of his book shelf, its "spot." He opened the door.

Oh my god.

The cold, greenish yellow eyes were staring back at him. There was an unusually wide grin on his face. Someone must have seen the dentist too many times. Taking a look down, the experiment was holding a gun.

Aaron smiled back to the creature.

"Hello. I've come to kill you," it said, sinisterly.

"That's nice," Aaron replied.

The trigger was pulled just as Aaron jumped out of the way. It crashed into the lamp. The thing turned around and began shooting at Aaron as he moved, with very surprising accuracy. Just a second slower and his head would be apart of the decorations.

Aaron jumped toward the couch and pulled out the nearest weapon, a small pistol. 'Great, my Uzi's on the other side.' If the police knew what he had, he'd see some prison time. Rolling to the right, the subject began to reload his pistol. Aaron suddenly tried to shoot him.

It was all too perfect.

No ammo.

Aaron smiled and tossed the weapon to the side and ran for the front door. Opening it, he slid out and made a run for it to the Police Station. He'd be safer there.

The fiend burst through the front door and began firing. Aaron used to be a track star and worked out every day. He was in better shape than most people in the world. He took off.


The creature took off at about his same speed. Damn bio science. He was firing as he ran. Each bullet grazed past Aaron. Just a second slower. At least the subject had forgotten to correct his aim to compensate for the movement.

The Police Station was about a mile away, but he'd be dead if he kept it up like this. Seeing the best method of escape, he ran into the old abandoned amusement park. He turned to see the creature, with his wide grin, still coming at him.

Suddenly the man stopped and looked to his left. Aaron jumped into the merry go round and hid behind an elephant. The experiment flipped a switch and park reactivated.

My god. You'd think that they would have disconnected the power or something.

He turned toward Aaron. 'So he knew where I was.' And took off running toward the attraction, gun firing. Aaron began to run toward the other side as the ride began to turn. All of the other rides began to move. The Ferris wheel was turning, lights shining brightly toward them. A fifteen foot tall robot bear began to walk around repeating the excessive "I love you."

The fiend jumped on and began running after Aaron. He grew closer and closer. Did he never get tired? Aaron began to feel his weariness as he hopped over the railing. He took off down the street. His foot suddenly felt a tug.

Hadn't he had almost perfect balance? Couldn't he have regained a stand and took off again? No. God wanted him to die. He'd sit there waiting for this "child" to murder him. The experiment came right over him. The grin was still there. He pointed his gun toward Aaron's head.

"I win. Let's play again some other time," it said. It was about to pull the trigger when a sound was made.

Aaron's cat had just walked up behind him. It meowed again.

The creature began to shake like mad. The grin was gone. The gun fell out of his hand and the fiend began to run around in circles screaming "Mommy! Mommy!"

The cat continued to meow.

The scientists were all preparing their poisons. Each thought to himself that his poison would kill him. There had to be something to overcome the anti-toxicant inside test subject 43198. He'd been here since childhood and was given an invincible vaccine and he just had lived way too long. He'd lost his smile. His eyes were stained a greenish yellow. He was depressed, but he made no sudden movement as each needle began to inject itself into him. He just sat there. Scientists had determined an overwhelming increase in his strength as each poison was injected and the anti-poison fought it off.

Yet he would always stare ahead, to the glass observation window. It wasn't tinted, so anybody could see through. A white cat sat there. The eyes. They were cold. A deep yellow that should have meant light. But they were frozen in pure darkness. Evil. Pure evil. That's all it was.

The experiment would always think about them. His life revolved seeing them. He'd get colder everyday. The scientists were worried as his body temperature would slowly drop. However, this had been going on for years and he still was alive. So they began to shake it off. It happened that day. The guards were escorting him off as they've always done. His depressed smile had become usual to them. This was just routine. However, the test subject suddenly stopped. His normal, sad frown became something so much worse. A grin. A huge grin.

The large robotic teddy bear began to walk by. Aaron just sat there, stunned beyond belief. The creature was running around in a crazed movement. The bear came right into his pattern and the fiend slammed straight into the furry, metallic surface. He slammed right back into the cold hard cement.

He continued to cry out in agony, "Mommy! Mommy!!!!!"

The bear began to lose its balance and the two ton monster started a decent onto the experiment. A boom louder than anything he had ever heard. The only sound was the lights and cheery music being broadcasted by the attractions.

"So he was just a kid inside. Waiting to be released," Aaron said standing up. He brushed his pants off and looked down toward his cat. His stare caught interest.

The deep, dark, cold eyes.

Freakier Than Death

The climax, that started the series, was put on hold, and led to a chill deeper than anything imaginable.

Everybody loved the Harrisons. They were the kindest damn people in the entire universe. They'd feed you a cake if you wanted them to. They'd do just about anything you wanted to. Then when a pissed off kid came to them and complained about a bully across the street. They'd do anything.

Derrick was a jock. A very good one, too. He was the quarter back for the local high school team and he'd won the championship three years straight and he wasn't about to let his senior year slip up. Of course the girls wanted him. They loved him. Yet he could never choose. He had a much too wide selection. He preferred to just watch them swoon over him. A sick pleasure that all of us, wish we had.

It was berserk. A mess. A wreck. Whatever you want to call it. Reporters and were running all over the front lawn of Henry's house. Henry, his best friend, had been like a brother to him. They had picked on all of the little kids and went to the movies. Just like the other jocks do. At least, the cool ones.

Instinctively, Derrick walked over to the house. As he drew near, he noticed the police line across the front lawn. So something had happened. And it had to be bad. He ran past all of the screaming reporters to the front door, where he was stopped by an older looking officer, probably the Chief. "So, where are you going son? Don't you see that yellow tape around here? That means no crossing."

"But... my best friend lives here!" protested Derrick.

"Sorry, but I don't think you'd want to come in. Especially with this mess," replied the Chief.


"No buts. Now run home."

Derrick stood defiantly for a few moments and turned. He ran home. Then he saw another event, at Jared's home. Police were everywhere, as well as the reporters. Jared was one of the kids that he and Henry had picked on together.

He ran some more. His hands began to vibrate. His face shook with sorrow. He knew what had happened.

Running. That's all he did. He took off to the only people that understood him, the Harrisons.

They greeted him cheerfully, has they always had and offered him some cookies and milk. He told them about his experience and asked if they knew anything.

"Yes, apparently some murderer came in and killed both Henry and Jared. They left tons of blood everywhere. That's the only mystery about it. There's no way one person could have been killed and left so much blood. It was as if the murderer had filled a pool with it and dropped it into their homes," said Mr. Harrison.

Derrick didn't like to hear any of it. He thanked them for their hospitality and headed home. He couldn't help the tears that fell down his cheeks. Henry had been a very close friend of his and even though he hated him, Jared didn't deserve to be dead too. He entered his house to see his parents glued to the television screen. "So you heard about Jared and Henry?" said Derrick to them.

"Nothing except for that the police won't let any comments out," said his mother.

"But the Harrisons just told me that... never mind," replied a suspicious Derrick.

"This just in," urgently yelled the reporter on the screen, "Apparently the two children at both homes, names censored to protect their identities, have been murdered. It just became public knowledge five minutes ago from the Police Chief's press conference. More details are on the way."

Derrick stood there for a brief moment and went toward his room. His tears had dried up and he had a little red eye. Yet, that wasn't what was bugging him. The Harrisons had known the truth before everyone else except for the Police.

That could mean one of two things. They were working with the Police, or they were working against them.

He fell asleep just as he always had.

In the middle of the night, he woke up to a nightmare. He stared at his wrists and found that they were bloody. He had dreamt that everyone around him was naked, stripped of all morals whatsoever. But there was one catch. They were all soaked with blood and were after him.

He ran into the bathroom and began to scrub at his wrists. The blood kept pouring out, but he kept scrubbing. He seemed to be filled with the delusion that the constant movement of the water would stop the blood flow. He was wrong.

He went downstairs and turned on the light. He moved toward the medicine cabinet to get some sort of bondage for his wrists.

His parent's room's door opened. They'd help him.

As foot steps entered the room, he ripped open the bondage package. He turned to ask his father to tie them on.

He wasn't there. There were bodies. Naked bodies. Shrouded in blood. Their hair drenched downward with the red fluid.

Oh my god.

He dropped the items and ran outside. The creatures continued to move toward him ever so slowly.

He ran down the street. More of the fiends began to appear out of his neighbor's homes. Faster, he ran.

Old man Pearson lived right on the corner and he had a chock load of shot guns and other useful weapons. Of course, the old man was replaced with the hideous looking thing that everything else was.

Running into the garage, Derrick reached for a shot gun. He turned and shot the old man Pearson one. It fell back and didn't move. This was going to be a piece of cake.

Derrick took off, firing as he went. Maybe the people that he trusted the most would help him, the Harrisons.

Each creature fell with each shot. He'd live through this. Part of him hoped that the Harrisons weren't like all of these undead. The other part wished that they were. He fought long and hard and managed to endure it all.

A very noticeable thing, however, was that each fiend continued to blood at a very extraneous rate, even after he shot them.

He reached the home and opened the door. He turned and shot the last four zombies. The lights were on and the Harrison couple was sitting there on their couch. A big smile on their faces.

"Oh, thank god you're alive," said Mrs. Harrison. "Please come sit and we'll tend to those wounds."

Derrick just stood there. His weapon, still at his side. "You did this. You turned everyone in the neighborhood into... zombies! Fiends from the netherworld! People damned for life! You've made everyone I knew and trusted into bleeding carcasses of nothing!" he screamed at them.

"But Derrick, you're mistaken. We didn't do that," said Mr. Harrison.

"You lie!" he yelled back.

"You did." Mrs. Harrison said, with a devilish, cold grin.

"I..." mumbled Derrick. He turned around and saw that all of the creatures were human again. His neighbors, his friends, his colleagues, the geeks at school, everyone he knew was dead before him. And he had done it. He had killed them all.

"Don't worry about it," said Mr. Harrison, "The government turned everyone in the city into zombies to test a new weapon. They knew that it would do this, but the also knew that they could always blame it on terrorists."

"Then why aren't we changed too?" said Derrick.

"That's why it was tested. Nothing works perfectly," said Mrs. Harrison. "Here let's watch some television while Mr. Harrison calls the police in the next town over. Maybe we'll learn something from this mess."

They sat and watched the news. Yet, nothing came on about the biological testing. It was around 4am when an instant report came on about it. As the Harrisons had said, it was blamed on terrorists. The military was sending in its best troops to try to take charge of the situation.

Then it hit Derrick. How the hell did the Harrisons know, yet again?

He turned toward the couple and demanded the answer. "You're not from government, you even said so yourself a few weeks ago."

The just sat there. It was obvious that these fakes hadn't planned this far.

"Fine," said Mr. Harrison. "We'll tell you what really happened. We have the ability to make people turn into zombies. They'd mutilate themselves into whatever the person that we were basing it off of feared the most."

Derrick realized that zombies were the scariest things he had ever known. "So, in turn, you had to fight them off and you did splendidly well. We've fulfilled our promise to you," continued Mrs. Harrison.

"Promise?" replied Derrick.

"Remember when you were a little kid and he complained every day about the bully that stole your lunch money?" said Mr. Harrison.

Then it hit him. These people had been helping him with a problem that died when Derrick entered Middle School.

"But... you turned everyone into zombies!" screamed Derrick. Tears began to drip down his face.

"An unfortunate side effect," replied Mrs. Harrison.

They lied. It was all a lie. That same grin that had been on their faces when they told him about the government being involved were still there.

"You lied again. Will you ever quit being dishonest and tell me the god damn truth!" yelled Derrick. His sobbing raged louder and louder. He slowly raised the shot gun and pointed it at the two. They were sitting so closely that one blast would kill them both. The grin had left them.

"You can't handle the truth," said Mrs. Harrison.

"I can handle anything! If I can kill my closest friends and family, I sure as hell can kill you!"

"We know how to warp the time and space continuum. We created a parallel universe for you," said Mr. Harrison.

They were telling the truth.

"You thought that they were zombies. They thought that you were a zombie. You killed them in a different fashion in their universe. Then the universes combined. Just two seconds ago," said Mrs. Harrison.

"Now this is the true reality. Look in the mirror toward your right," continued Mr. Harrison.

Derrick turned to see his face. Filled with blood. Drenched with blood. Curled with blood.

"But why?" he asked. The tears had left him, but he continued staring at the mirror.

"Because we can," they said in unison.

"Then I can too."

He turned and killed them both with his shot gun. He stood a moment and left the way he had come.

He was the zombie, the evil one from the underworld, the bringer of destruction, his nightmare come true. His stride increased as the sun peaked up over the trees. Military helicopters were flying toward him. He could see fighters flying across the sky above him.

And he knew that he'd rather be dead right now.

Because all of this, was Freakier Than Death.