Welcome to Tidal Incest, the premiere fan-fiction website. We have loads of stories by very good authors about any sort of thing we feel like writing about. Anyways, enjoy!

posted by: veran
date: 06/21/03
topic: The Real Freakier than Death
content: I've stayed up a while to bring this to you, but here it is. The fourth story in the highly popular series of shorts. This next one was an idea that I had at the start of the entire series. It was meant to be some sort of novel, but I managed to trim it down to the short format without losing any meaning of it. It was placed on hold, mostly because I kind of thought that it would be too freaky. But since the last one wasn't freaky enough, why not make the climactic one the freakiest. Personally, I feel like this is my best work. Yet, I have this constant fear that it might suck. I really hope that it doesn't end up that way. Finally, this is the longest, almost three pages in Word, font size 10, Times New Roman. :)

posted by: veran
date: 06/21/03
topic: New Affiliate
content: We got Digitalized Zone as an affiliate, so we should get a little more traffic. Check out they're site, it's got alot of other stories. Trust me, with Fiction-dot-net, Digitalized Zone, and Tidal Incest all together, you should have TONS of stories to read. So if you enjoy a little side reading, this is the perfect place to come to.

posted by: veran
date: 06/13/03
topic: Freakier than Death
content: Today's a Friday. Friday the 13th. Perfect for another addition to the Freakier Than Death library. My latest creation, Eyes, is the longest and I think the best check it out. Sorry for not updating much. Me and Robo are busy with our own lives. If anyone wants to send it a story, please do so. We haven't been getting many in. Probably because we don't advertise that often. Well, cya

posted by: veran
date: 05/04/03
topic: TimeSplitters 3
content: It's up. A fine piece of work by jimmy needles09. I made the image for him, if he doesn't like it, he'll have to make his own. lol. Anyways, we'd like to mention that it wouldn't hurt to convert some of your story into HTML before you submit it. Try to copy another story. Feel free to use different font colors, italics, bold, underline, etc. It makes the stories so much more appealing.

posted by: veran
date: 04/21/03
topic: Some more site changes
content: Yet again, I've managed to squeeze in a few site changes at the end of the day. First of all, at robo's request, I've created an archive section. He seems to enjoy having lots of news. He kind of wanted to leave everything on the first page, but that isn't logical. We'll leave it in the new archive section. So that's good. I've also bold faced the chapter headings in Robo's Three-Way Death. Sorry, but you kind of had to make an effort to find the spot where to continue. It's no biggie. If you're lucky, I'll have chapter 6 of the The Six up tonight. Hey, that kind of rhymes...

posted by: robofish
date: 04/20/03
topic: New Chapter Added
content: Added a new chapter. It's a bit short, but oh well. The chapter explains more of the plot and tells you more about Dalton. There's also a nice action thingie, this time it's not incredibly violent, more... Strategic... :)

posted by: veran
date: 04/20/03
topic: Site Changes
content: I've made a few changes to the main layout and stuff. First, the titles on the sidebar are now white, instead of black. It just looked better. I don't think robo will disagree, but you never know. We've also gained a new affiliate. If you want to affiliate with us, check out our section on that. I've finally made a button for the site too. Well, I think that's it. cya

posted by: veran
date: 04/20/03
topic: New image...
content: The old one for the series really had nothing to do with the stories. Now it does... evil kitty...

News Archive



   .: Updates :.
Cid's First Mistake:
Chapter One
Freakier than Death:
Story Four
Three-way Death:
Chapter Three
TimeSplitters 3:
Chapter One



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