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Now is your chance to join one of the coolest RPG's around! All you have to do is follow the instructions on how to join. Check the list below:

Your Character's Quote (Optional

Your Character's Name

Your Character's Age

Your Race(Check the races page)

Your Home Planet(Check the star wars galaxy)

Your Items (It must be two, and check the items page)

Your Main Weapon [Must be only 1] (Ex: Lightsaber, Twin pistols,etc.)

Force side you are on (lightside,darkside,none)

Your job (page will be on soon...)
Your e-mail address

Character's Info [your characters previous story on himself] (Ex: Born on the Etti system, San Ton was founded by jedi master Mace Windu. He was very strong with the force as a child[and so on...])

Picture of Lightsaber (this only applies to jedi and sith)

The academy you want to Join(either mine[etti], thacton's[thacktose], or arcajeth's[arcin],or Create(make your own academy)[you have to choose which planet your academy will reside on the starwars galaxy page]
