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Nothing is Going on. Really. I adopted out my 143rd kitten a couple weeks ago, a nice fuzzy 'Coon kitten named Devin. I actually had a visit from an adoptee last night.. Spyder. I was happy to see that he was quite fat and with an excellent personality. This is a bit more of an excitement to me because Spyder was one of my kittens who came to me with a severe injury. Before he reached twelve weeks old, he had already experienced enough-- he was caught, but slipped out of my hands on the farm. We finally did catch him again two weeks later, but by this time he had a fractured skull. Young and maybe a bit ignorant, this little guy was stepped on by a skittish cow. After lots of pain medication and nutritional supplements, his little face healed and he was adopted out to a woman across town.

Recent Adoptions: Devin, Alida, Mindy, Jack, Emmie, Anya, Steele, Todd, Nathan, Trixie, Bridget.

Current number of adoptions:143