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What's going on? Wehave hit the midquarter point of the first quarter. I'd like to introduce our Middle School Student Council.
President- Sean Valente
Vice President- Cassidy Kuakini
House Representatives: Jared Spiker, Shane Hamada, Skyler Sigston, Sean Kaui, Patrick Ma, Keahi Hogan, Alex Kiyokane, Jordan Fukumoto, and Michael Long.

We have also begun our Hall Monitor Program where student monitor the halls and play areas during Recess and Lunch. Infractions during these periods will result in "peer Mediation" during period 9.

Homecoming is right around the corner, and the commitees have begun to work on their projects. Koala Moa chicken tickets will be distributed on Monday, September 12th. Each student is required to sell 18 tickets. Proceeds of this sale will help renovate the basketball court to full-size, and provide covered sitting areas on the basketball court. Division shirts will be ordered this week as sizes are required. You sons will come home with order forms. Til' next time,

Mr. N
Contact Information knakaya@saintlouishawaii.org



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