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Welcome to MAttsville

GOOGLE - Best search engine.
Yahoo - For another search engine,mail,or news.
Hotmail - Another mail site.

This is some blog links or friends sites.-------------------Here are some other Parts of the site.
If I don't have yours please e-mail it to me.---------------Such as Forum, Downloads, and Pics.

My blog ----------------------------------------- Forum
Kawin&Kiwi's Blog ---------------------------- ICONS
Kalin's blog ----------------------------- My School Schedule
Dave's blog
Kalin's site
Missy's Home page
Krissy's Blog

Ok well heres a bit about the site. I have been aimlessly (with no avail) trying to think of what I could do with my site. I have been INCREADABLY annoyed with the lack of ideas. Now finally I got what I am going to. Here it is explore, play, and be merry. If you like it E-mail me. If you don't then dont get your hopes on me returning your e-mail. You can also send me any ideas or something you have for the site. Enjoy! :D MAtt

New Found Glory ~The Minute I Met You~ *this is for you Missy*