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Most Recent Updates
Last updated: April 30, 2004 1:07PM PDT
4/30/04 12:14PM Movin' Right Along...
In case you haven't noticed, we've updated our site layout. We're still working the kinks out and we will continue to make it more compatible with more browsers, so don't despair. In the meantime, I've gotten caught back up on contributions, and you can look for more display options available in the coming days (new basic stylesheets to better fit the width of your browser window) and weeks (custom homepage, user-contributed style sheets). The missing and non-updated review list pages have also been fixed (oops!).

While we can't please everyone, we do try to make as many people as happy as possible with theForce Center, so don't hesitate to let me know of any problems you find or suggestions you've come up with!

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How far does the rabbit hole go?

I am in the early process of building my web program. My ultimate goal is to make information available to everybody. I love video games and movies. As you can tell, I love Final Fantasy. I believe that it would be the best thing for everybody to play Final Fantasy VII. I believe. If you have any questions you would like to ask me, feel free to email me. PLUS: Talk to me about the upcoming Final Fantasy movie. Click here to move on
