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Yo all you out there, FINALLY our website is here on the web. After hours of swearing, computer crashes and network problems, we give you:

Hello hello, welcome to swiss cows. You may be wondering why we would name a website with such a name as SWISS COWS!!! Well, its quite simple really, because our beloved LELICAC (aka Emmanuel) really loves cows, especially swiss ones because:



Mainly this site contains photos of activities carried out during the Sixth Form @ SAC. These include various hikes, the president's award scheme and info + pics about the XLsiors............a group of 'artists' with several songs of their own.


And please, sign the damn Guestbook!!!!!!!!!!!!

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WE NEED YOU HELP!!! We need more photos to fill this site.... and this is where you come in. You are free to send any kind of pics... all of them will potentially be here. You can send them to, and you can send as much as you want. Thanks


Site Updated!!!!!!!



  • Wied Babu Hike section uploaded
  • Sixth Form Activities section updated
  • PAS section updated


Swiss Cows Make Great Chocolate


 President's Award Scheme
The XLsiors


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This site is a copyright © 2003 of Alessio Magro (Lessju) and Emmanuel Cachia (Lelicac™)

If you want to add any info or pics, e-mail them to one of the above (if more than 1mb, send them to the following address : If you want to leave a suggestion on how to improve the site, visit the comments section.

If you ain't happy with this site, go back from where you came.