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 Sunday, May 4, 2003
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  The City of Illuminata  - by Pellaeon

The Illuminati builds its first city!

Amidst the destruction of Outreach, the Illuminati was once again left errant.  But thanks to Avatarz (our new High Commander) and everyone else who cooperated, we managed to negotiate our way into taking over the remains of Trainers Den.  The city of Illuminata now resides in Carnage, and we will slowly, but surely, build us a fine city for ourselves to live in.

At this point in time, we are not associated (officially) with any nation.  We will continue to hold a neutral stance towards the many nations that are destroying each other these days, until we have enough strength ourselves to enter and dominate the political scene in our server.


  Shadowbane Finds the Illuminati  - by Pellaeon

The Illuminati was officially created in Shadowbane!

The next step was to find a city to pledge as a sub-guild.  We approached several Guilds and cities, such as House of the Frog in Afens Haven, and Home, a sub-city of Aftermath led by Mlaria from Honorbound.  But none of them seemed too interested in our services.

Avatarz was later approached by the leader of Wolfs Dragoons, Vorsyth.  We made our way to their city, Outreach, to interview with them.  They were very hospitable, and immediately offered us a chance to pledge as a sub-guild.  We took the offer, and are now bound to the city of Outreach. 

Wolfs Dragoons are well-known across Carnage.  They are also at war with Aftermath, who is currently the biggest Guild on the server.  They have many allies, and Outreach is growing every day. 

They have several rules and regulations that all of us need to follow, such as no random PKing.  We do however, have the right to gank Aftermath and their sub-guilds relentlessly.  So prepare yourselves AM, cuz  we're gonna hunt you all down!

Here's the Wolfs Dragoons web site for further information about our new nation:

Grats Ubi Soft on winning the PellaeonSZ sweepstakes :)  As each wednesday passes with an empty, SWG beta invite-less e-mail, Ubi Soft wins an additional month of my credit card payments... plus continuous recruitment from my part to attract more of my friends into the world of Shadowbane. 

©2003 Illuminati - Star Wars Galaxies