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I would like to state that I did not keep updated pictures of my character.  All pictures were taken because of something that I wanted to look back on.  I do not have any SShots of my character at the end of within the last couple weeks of the beta but I do have some on the way there.  I will post a picture a link to a picture and then describe the picture that you saw in the red, italic words below.  Enjoy.

Screen Shot One

The screen shot above is a picture that I thought was pretty funny while doing delivery missions in Rori for cash (Rori was the best place for cash because there were only 2 cities in Rori and they were the furthest apart).  You could pick, at this point in time, two delivery missions that were both 1.7k.  So you could pick 2 1.7k missions to narmle then do the same to Restuss.  Quick and easy money.  This was probably around early-mid point in the beta.  As you can see, I'm not a BH yet and I haven't mastered marksmanship yet (the first tier that I mastered).

Screen Shot Two

I thought this was awsome at the time.  I said this on the forums once, but this is the Lok Hunt that I was on for 5 hours and got over 650k xp.  The reason why it lasted so long was because me and my friend kept running into other hunting groups.  Like.. we'd travel down into Lok and then most people (after a while) had to go.  So then we'd head back to Nym's and then run into another group.  This time in the picture was the VERY end.  Most of the group broke up and started heading to Nym's.  We're pretty close to Nym's Stronghold in that picture.  As you can see in that picture, I could master marksmanship and get expert special abilities.. and I did.  And yes, you did get that much XP off of a Kimogilia.  It was most definately easier to level in the Beta.

Screen Shot Three

In this picture a group of 20 rebels entered Bestine from the South and were easily wiped out.  I personally incapped 6 rebels but was incapped myself.  I was one of the two to be incapped but I was in the front of the hoarde for the majority of the battle.  What you see is a picture of me practically celebrating but someone got another shot in at me.  It was basically cleanup after I got incapped.. just a rebel or two that were retreating.  As you can see, I had enoughf or Int Tactics after the Lok hunt and was working on advanced tactics.

Screen Shot Four

As you can see, this was another Lok Hunt.  This time, for the first time ever, I traveled all the way down to the Volcano to see...!  NOTHING!  Absolutely nothing.  That is a screenshot of the hunting group I was in and me standing in the center of the volcano making jokes about Mt. Doom and the ring.  I ended up attacking a stray Kimo and commiting suicide.  I insured (this was back when insurance for everything costed you around 300 credits and cloning was only 100 creds).  So I commited suicide so I didn't have to walk all the way back.  As you can see, I can now learn Body Shot 3!  Close to Expert Pistol Special Abilities!.

Screen Shot Five

Ok, this is a shot of me on an Endor Hunt.  Yes, I LIVED in Lok and Endor If I wasn't PVPing or just hanging around a town or getting money.  They are both awsome planets.  This is the Ewok Cave S and a little W of the Smuggler's Outpost.   Yes, that was a feeling of ""  That cave isn't suicide.. but it's pretty close.  This group didn't get far at all and I ended up dying, btw.  Of course I had my stuff insured, it was dirt cheap.  Yeah.. I died to an Ewok.  That will never be erased from my memory.  If you notice I can now master Tactics and pretty close to expert special abilities.  Almost there!

Screen Shot Six

Ok, this is a picture of a few imperials before we attacked some rebels.  Yeah, that's an AT-ST.  Well.. it's feet.  I was taking a screen shot of my scatter gun so I will never forget how cheap it was when it get's fixed.  As you can see, it's an extremely awesome (and bugged) gun.  Also, I know I said 76 - 109.. well.. It is when you have a +min damage powerup.  That's also the rest of my inventory there, as you can see.  Nothing much.. my two PVP guns and my PVE scout blaster complete with armor and clothing (for regen).  I got carbine 1 and tactics after this.  As you can see, I'm a BH, btw.  I'd also like to thank Joebob for the armor and Ximog for the blaster if they see this.

Screen Shot Seven

This is good ole me.  Yes, the loveable Imperial Bothan Bounty Hunter holding his scatter gun.  Moogle was my guy on Bloodfin.  Bloodfin JUST came online during when I took that Screen shot and of course I wanted to test my FPS because I live on the east coast.  I was getting like 125 on Bria and 45 on Bloodfin.  Pretty cool, but I couldn't leave behind my character for better FPS which was hardly noticeable in difference.

Screen Shot Eight

Syler was a guy I made on Bloodfin within the last couple weeks of Beta.  I wanted to test the Faction group delivery system on him.  Lets just say in two hours I had 3 Storm Commandos.  I think I was angry when I took this picture.. but.. I think I took it so I can look back at it later and say, "Well.. thats a common picture."

Screen Shot Nine

This is just a picture during the last half day of Beta.  Everyone was gathering around the Memorial near Bestine.  As you can see, everyone was going crazy with Kevin-Q O'Hara.  Nothing really special about me in the picture, but you can look at the top and look at my skill bar if you'd like.  Pretty screwed up, huh?

Screen Shot Ten

This was taken when the Devs wanted everyone who could to launch fireworks in the air to celebrate the last moments of the Beta.

Screen Shot Eleven

One last look at my character sheet.

Last Screen Shot

The last picture that I took of Beta.  It was a rollarcoaster but I had a lot of fun.  I don't have any pictures, but at this point my character has Master Tactics, Master Marksmanship, Expert Stances and Grips, Expert BH Pistol and I was working on Master Special Abilites.  

There was a big gap of time between SShot 5 and the last day of Beta.  But it wasn't much work at all.  You easily get over 400k from a 2 - 3 hour group on Lok or Endor.  You can ask any beta tester.  Leveling was much easier in the beta, most likely so testers can test the higher level classes.  I tested up to Expert BH Pistol and Most of Pistoleer.  It was a lot of fun to be the character that I was and I can't wait till I get there again.  These are the pictures that I can share.BODY>