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It is a time of galactic strife. The battered New Republic tries desperatly to fend off the forces of the remaining Yuuzhan Vong and Peace Brigade. Meanwhile the Ssi-Rukk are attempting their 2nd invasion of the galaxy. With no resources to spend, the New Republic is forced to look to the Jedi for help. Although the Jedi are thriving with over 1000 trained knights, the battle is in the favor of the Ssi-Rukk, who number well into the millions.

(This role play takes place fourty years after Return of the Jedi and has new villians such as the Ssi-Rukk.)


About the Ssi-Rukk

The Ssi-Rukk, native to the planet Lwhekk, they are warm-blooded, reptilian beasts covered with scales of various colors. Their blunt, oversized heads end with beaked mouths, and their bodies end with muscular tails. They have clawed hands and feet, and strongly-muscled hind legs. They are blind to The Force, and comunicate with each other via a complex series of tweets and whistles, much like Twi'lek, who communicate through twitches of their body movements. They also have scent tongues which they eject from their nostrils. Each hand has three opposable claws. There are at least four races of Ssi-ruuk, based on their coloration: blue, gold, red-brown, and green. They all have three eyelids. They hold to a very rigid code of honor, as well as a strict caste system which is based on skin coloratoin and patterning. Blue Ssi-ruuk are members of the highest caste, and are the politicians and leaders of their society. Gold-skinned Ssi-ruuk are very rare, and are members of the religious caste. Brown or red Ssi-ruuk are generally stronger than their counterparts, and comprise the military caste. The green-scaled Ssi-ruu are workers. As a rule, the Ssi-ruu are highly xenophobic, but were more disgusted by other species than afraid of them. (Information used from The Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia (Link on links page), with words changed around.)

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(C)Star Wars does not belong to us. In no way do we plan to infringe any copyright. Star Wars: Dark Presence is the idea of the three game masters. Please respect their right to the name.

Note: When sending in character info, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send them in to I will no longer be using the other one for SWDP and what not.
