Jounior Reserve Officer Training Corps JROTC NOTES- To see if you are interested in ROTC

« JROTC Notes so that you may learn about ROTC and what it can do for you »

Drill And Ceromonies!!!

1. What is Drill designed to teach? Disipline/Teamwork

2. What is only command in drill where you step off with the right foot from a halt? Right Step March

3. What are the 4 types of command and drill? A) 2 Part command B) Combined Command C) Supplementary Command D) Mass Command

4. When marching on which foot is the command of excution given? On the foot in the direction of movement

5. When marching, after reciving command of excution, What are your actions? Take one additional step and excute the movement

6. What are the 4 rest postions used in drill? A) Stand AT ease B) At ease C) Parade Rest D) Rest

7. What would commander say to revoke a command? As you were

8. Wat is a Rank? A rank is defined as a line, one element in depth

9. What can you do and not do while at postion of at ease? NOT allowed to talk, however you may move as long as you DO NOT move your right foot

10. What is drill? Drill is specific movements and commands used to move a unit in an orderly manner

11. What is Distance? Space between elements, when elements are one behind the other.

12. What is alignment? Alignment is arrangement of several elements on the same line

13. What is cover? Cover is defined as aligning yourself directly behind the person infront of you.

14. What is a drill command? An oral order of a commander

15. What army feild manual does the guide for drill and ceromoney? FM 22-5

16. When asked to exit the formation what do you do? One 15-inch step to the rear and exit nearest flank

17. Post of Platoon Sargent? one step to the rear of platoon and centered.

18. Whare are the actions of each squad when command "Open Ranks March"? 1st- two steps forward 2nd- one step forward 3rd- Stand fast 4th- two steps to the rear

The ARMY JROTC Mission JROTC -- This program prepares high school students for leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. It is a stimuli for promoting graduation from high school and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities which will benefit the student, community, and nation.

LET I -- The mission of Leadership Education and Training (LET) is to motivate first year JROTC cadets to be better citizens. To accomplish this purpose, the text discusses citizenship, leadership, and a number of other courses designed to help the cadets succeed in high school and after graduation. Cadets wear uniforms one time each week. Extracurricular activities include: Providing color guards, eating at concession stands, participating in community parades, drill and rifle teams.

LET II -- The second year of Leadership Education and Training provides more details about leadership situations. The program is split into units including: Techniques of Communication, Leadership, Cadet Challenge, Leadership Lab, First Aid, Map Reading, History, Your American Citizenship, Career Opportunities, and Role of the U.S. Army. The wearing of the uniform and extracurricular activities are the same as for LET I.

LET III -- The third year of Leadership Education and Training provides still more leadership situations. In this year students will not only be more involved as teacher and leaders within the cadet battalion, but they will also do more independent studies in the areas of communication, leader, first aid, history, map reading, career opportunities, and technology awareness. The wearing of the uniform and the extracurricular activities are the same as for LET I.

LET IV --Fourth-year cadets are responsible for the daily cadet administration and perform as commanders and staff officers. They act as assistant instructors in some subject areas for other JROTC classes. They continue to develop their leadership skills and plan special unit events such as the military ball or the annual awards banquet.

JROTC ribbons

"The Army Goes Rolling Along"

All the words to "The Army Goes Rolling Along:" (Based upon "The Caisson Song" by Brig. Gen. E.L. Gruber) Written and adapted by H.W. Arberg

"The Army Goes Rolling Along"

March along, sing our song with the Army of the free Count the brave, count the true, who have fought to victory. We're the Army and proud of our name; We're the Army and proudly proclaim:

First to fight for the right, and to build the Nation's might, And the Army Goes Rolling Along Proud of all we have done, Fighting till the battle's won, And the Army Goes Rolling Along

CHORUS: Then it's hi, hi, hey! The Army's on its way Count off the cadence loud and strong (two, three) For where're we go, You will always know that the Army Goes Rolling Along

Valley Forge, Custer's ranks, San Juan hill and Patton's tanks, And the Army went rolling along. Minute men from the start, Always fighting from the heart, And the Army keeps rolling along.

CHORUS Men in rags, men who froze, still that Army met its foes, And the Army went rolling along. Faith in God, then we're right, And we'll fight with all our might, As the Army keeps rolling along.

CHORUS (the third chorus should be sung slower) + (Keep it rolling) And The Army Goes Rolling Along.