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Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens

We think that people should get more involved in their local governments, there are certain issues that need to be addressed by the entire public and go undiscussed. How many people wanted the War in Iraq? How many people thought our efforts were futile? How many people actually believed that Iraq was an imminent threat? How many people think that we have more business going into North Korea than Iraq? How many people want these questions answered?

We want to be able to question our government and NOT be termed Unpatriotic.

Beliefs - History

The main ATTAC international can be found at:

ATTAC International

Our other ATTAC USA chapter can be found in Boston at:
ATTAC USA in Boston

Remember that The World is not for Sale, and we can make a difference.

Other Useful Activist Links

Jobs with Justice
South Florida Jobs with Justice
50 Years Is Enough
AFADD-Alliance for Freedom and Direct Democracy
Revolutionary Worker Online
War On Want
ACLU-American Civil Liberties Union
Greenpeace USA