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***Welcome To The Ted Space And Family Harley Davidson Website***
***Welcome to Ted Space's website just for motorcycles and chatting about them. This is a family site so foul language and bad behavior is not tollerated. Just have fun and everyone will enjoy this site. Ted Space has a family that is very fond of Harley Davidson. All members of the family have at least one Harley. Some have two. This is just a site to show how much they appriciate this lifestyle.***
***Pictures Of Us***-***Various Pictures Of My Family***
***Pictures Of Our Bikes***-***Various Pictures Of My Family's Bikes***
***Pictures Of Our Bike Trips***-***Various Pictures Of Us On Biking Trips***
***Links To Other Harley Sites***-***Links To Fellow Harley Sites***

***Site Created By The Calhoun Website Building Service***
***Here Is A Good Link To That You Can View***-***And Here Is The Chat Board***
