In an attempt to scare CG students into not drinking and driving after prom, the CG students were shown a mock crash scene this Tuesday. The entire thing was narrated by the fire chief, who I could have sworn was going to say at the end of the convocation that he was intoxicated in order to prove the point of how stupid alcohal slow down the brain. This incredibly authentic crash recieved a mixed reaction from students. One girl said, "It was cool, the fire truck blocked the cars so we didn't have to see it and we just talked about what parties are going on after prom." A boy stated, "The helicopter landing was pretty cool, but for the rest of the time I pretty much just tried to masterbate using my hand in my pocket. It's not as easy as you think, man."
Some students found that there time was best spent if they made inappropriate comments in response to either what happened in the scene or what one of the speakers said. For example, when the fire chief announced that the small child was pronounced dead on the scene, one student was quoted as saying, "Well that fuckin' sucks" Another instance ocurred when the police officer answering questions stated, "One of the firemen might be standing there holding a tool in his hand..." When this was said, one CG student proclaimed, "I'm holding a tool in my hand."
In conclusion, I would like to point out that the real reason these convocations using fear tactics to teach kids not to drink and drive are pointless is that you can't teach kids not to be dumasses. If you're gonna be an idiot, you're going to be an idiot. I wish there weren't so many idiots, then maybe we wouldn't have to sit through these convocations.