I have attained nicknames of the infamous "beavers". Below they are given with my interperatation of thier origin.

Britt-mama beaver
"Mama" would lead you to the conclusion she is either leader or bossy. or

Mandy-flojo beaver
"Flojo" is a spanish term, so maybe she has latin blood in her. Although, "flojo" means "loose" in spanish.... your guess is as good as mine here.

Jessica-baby beaver
She is small. We're talking tiny, kids. What else is there to say?

Michelle-papa beaver
This one puzzles me, but I guess if you have a mama, you have to have a papa.

Binney-friendly or nice beaver
A warm, loving beaver, she is always ready to open her heart to anyone.So, in essence you could also call her "open beaver"

Leah-hottness beaver
I guess coldness just doesn't sound cool enough.

Cassi (quasi-beaver:thinks she's a beaver although she is not)- nickname:freaky beaver
hmmmmm.... if the rest of them aren't freaky and she is, you might want to stay away from this one.

The Beaver Story

Reportedly, it all started one night last year, when all the original beavers were in one house, and strange things began to happen. Let's just say the beavers came out of the woods (put not to play, you perv). Unfortunaley, I cannot say more because I was not present to cover the event. Tragic... ehh, jounalistically. Anyway, the girls began calling themselves beavers and were soon made official when they were awarded "The Beaver Award" by a senior in debtones. Touching, isn't it?