Well kids, it was bound to happen, but I didn't think it would be this soon. Someone got pissed off about a post. I mentioned no name, but everyone seemed to know who was ebing described. Nevertheless I made the decision to remove the article for many reasons I will list.

1. I am a nice guy and I was asked nicely (at least by one person)to remove the article. This sight is made to be comical and piss off as few people as possible.
2. I have seen the bullshit that can go down when you piss someone off. Although I mentioned no names and my name doesn't appear on this sight, I wouldn't put it past our administration to make a call to my parents if someone bitched about the site and, although it would be heresay, gave them my name. I don't want the site to get taken off or to get in trouble and, although it is an off chance that it would be, I am a strong believer that one must pick his battles wisely.
3. I don't give a shit about the article. Spring Break was a month ago. Nobody cares anymore.

I would like to say to those of you who don't know, this site is run by one person, but I only write about half of what appears on my own site. I intend the site to be a forum for students to express opinions that they could otherwise not express publically. I will continue to not post full names of individuals unless they have requested that I do so. So, don't even send me anything with names because I won't post it.

Thank you for your time,

The Capitol (as I will henceforth be refered to as on this website)