Last Saturday at the Mini Marathon one of our more athletic CG teachers competed, finishing somewhere in the 200's out of over 25,000. Not bad, but not good enough to beat one twelve year old girl. She happens to be world class in her age/sex catagory, unbeknownst to this CG teacher during the race. He saw the girl twice and was motivated to go faster, but they were soon neck and neck. They remained in fierce competition until the end, when the girl edged him out.

Then it happened. The innocent twelve year old was resting afer a well ran race when, from behind, he ran her over completely, without even helping her up. Although he claims this vicious take down of a twelve year old girl was an accident caused by delerium, can we really believe it? I propose a more realistic scenario. After being beaten by not much more than a small child, humiliation turned to envy, which in transformed into rage. A rage so bitter it makes pure espresso taste like ginger ale, the kind that is too sweet. And like a bull that saw red, he charged at his target and didn't miss. A sad day for sportsmanship indeed.