Look at him, he's offended

President of the Beaver Society of America and co-chairman of People Using Stupid Surnames, Yikes! (that's PUSSY) recently released a statement in regards to the recent degradating of his name:

"I would like to take this opprutunity to clear my name of all false allegations. I am not, nor have I ever been a vagina. My reselblance to this part of the female anatomy is purley coincidental and tragic. So stop sending me dildos! And what's worse is the hunters who shoot us just so they can say they hit a beaver. What has the world come to? I can still remember the days when a beaver could eat fish, shed, and even live his tounge hanging out without having to worry about being laughed at by you humans! Well I just have on thing to say to you all... EAT ME!!!! -wait a minute....... d'oh!"