Hello Fans, yes my ass is bored so I'm writing yet again-

This subject is very dear to me. It concerns the actions of CG students in the school parking lot.

Honestly, if you are guilty of the following things, I feel you should be lynched, stoned, hung, tarred-and-feathered, disembowled, decapitated, and blue-balled....not necessarily in that order.

-If it's raining, sleeting, or snowing, and you have your windows down because you think the rest of the student body wants to hear your Afro-American jive music, you're wrong.

-If you drive an SUV and you leave the tailgate up because you have the false impression you are a bad ass, you're wrong. Of course, you could just be forgetful and leave it up after you put your backpack in there..........oh wait, you think you're a bad ass.

-If you drive up to speeds exceeding 70 mph in the parking lot, I cannot wait for the day when you either hit a pedestrian, another car, a parked car, a certain red van, or better yet, flip your own car, causing instant paralysis.

-If you rev your engine as you start it, no matter how many cylinders you have, STOP! YOU ARE A FAGGOT!

-If your driving position is with your seat laid back at a 180 degree angle and your right hand placed lazily on top of your steering wheel, I got news for you: YOU LOOK GAY, NOT HARD. DIE OR YOUR CAR MAY "ACCIDENTLY" BLOW UP.

-If you do not attend Center Grove, yet you still show up as school lets out so you can park in the front of the parking lot and try to act like a dropped-out bad ass. I surely hope you kids are enjoying doing this, knowing that in a couple years the welfare checks stop coming and you're being turned down after Southern Scavenger interviews you.

Anyway, I thought the school has "Bear", parking lot guru, to control these acts. Oh wait, he's either beating his shit in his van, or running his game on his gearshift, being that is his only friend.