At CGHS, we are blessed with the presence of several different cliques. These range from your jocks to your nerds, but without question, everyone's favorite has to be the bad asses. Don't look at these kids wrong, it could be the start of WWIII. Oh yeah, if you accidently bump into them in the hallway, be ready to get attacked by 10-15 bad asses.

Several factors can make one a bad ass. Here is a list of what is considered the action of a bad ass:

-Peeling out in the parking lot, even if you drive a teal Ford Taurus.

-Taking laps in the school parking lot with your windows down and factory system up, no matter what the weather. (One bad ass does this every day.)

-Wearing football jersey's for players you haven't heard of.

-Wearing FUBU.

-Standing by the Sweet Shoppe at lunch because you are too much of a bad ass to eat in the cafeteria. (C lunch-every Red day.)

-Walking around in the halls like you have a stick up your ass because you think it makes you look hard.

Bad asses are found in all areas of the school, but mainly hang around the main office during passing periods. Coincidentally, that very area is where about every fight takes place during school.

While most people are unsure what bad asses talk about because they cannot understand their ebonics and other slang terminology, it is believed that most conversations involve the following topics:

-Who is supplying this weeks suppliment of crack

-Who's driving to the clubs for the weekend (since only 1 of 10 bad asses have driver's licenses)

-How they hate Center Grove because all the teachers are out to get them because they feel the random drug testing isn't so random, if you can believe that

If you or someone you know is confronted by a bad ass, for future reference stay away from the following areas:


-Old Smith Valley

-Friendly Village

-The Junction or any other club

-Greenwood Park Mall, where bad asses are found to hang out in large numbers wearing beaters, backwards visors, and large chains

Hopefully with the information that has been provided, our school and general area can become a much safer, friendlier place.

another anonymous source adds-

you might be a hard ass if....

you are a senior driving a neon packed with freshman hoes

your first name is used in correspondence with the letter 'g' (ie john g, jacob g)

you don't put up wit no shit from no library aide

you have a mustache that looks like you have shit smeared on your upper lip

I saw your girlfriend on the corner of Meridian and 38th street last night.... and only paid her $5 for a hand job