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Hello, and welcome to Silverquill Multimedia, the music section of Scribe's website. Download and enjoy these songs in your home, however please do not distribute. As soon as I can spare the time and money to get a professional recording studio and actual musicians, I am planning to release a private CD, for sale via the internet.
I am an 18-year-old girl, and I do all of my own writing, music, and recording using the minimal equipment I have in my home. These recordings are done using "Crative Wave Studio," "Creative Sound Mixer," "MusicMatch Jukebox," an electric keyboard and a $20 mic. Thus, the quality isn't great. Fortunately, they are hearable...but will probably go through many versions through the duration of this site.

Download Scribe's mp3s by right clicking and chosing "Save As."


Dance (With You)

There for You
*Note: the chorus to this piece is very rough, and will be rerecorded. This is just for listeners to get an idea of the song.

All items on this page including, but not limited to logo, mp3s, music, and lyrics are copyrighted(c)Scribe, 2002.