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Addition POE:
Adding the same or equal numbers to both sides of an equation.
Subtraction POE:
Subtracting the same or = numbers from each side of the equation.
Multiplication POE:
Multiply both sides of an equation by the same number.
Division POE
Dividing both sides of an equation by the same number.

Property Of Equality
Note:  Can be POC (congruency)

Example:  Reflexive POE:  A=A
Symmetric POE:
Add.  POE:  A = B so, C+A = B+C
Subtraction POE:  A+B=B+C so, A=C (-B)
Multiplication POE:  X=Z so, 5X=5Y
Division POE:  2(a)=2(b) so, a=b
Transitive POE:  In a=b +c and d= b+c then a=d

For column proof examples: NOTES #14 

Slope of a line = rise over run
Useful equation- y=mx+b
Parallel: Coplanar, don't intersect, equal slope.
Perpendicular:  Form Rt. Angle
Oblique:  Intersecting, not at right angle
Skew: (my def.)  Lines not intersecting... Non-coplanar.

Property of Perpendicular lines- If two coplanar lines are perpendicular to the same line, they are parallel to each other.

Possible outcomes of non-coplanar and coplanar perpendicular lines to the same line:
Parallel, Perpendicular, skew

2 lines intersect to form 4 Rt. angles.

Paragraph Proof: Flow Proof: Two-Column Proof Coordinate Proof:
*Written Narrative
*Talk out an explanation
*Convince the truth
Uses boxes & arrows to show a logical argument Using a numbered sequence of steps and reasons *Uses a graph
*Uses slope distances
linear equations
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Note:  This study guide should not replace your notes in the class!  (From the notes of Mrs. Ogg)