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. Guardian / Columbo [SK01]

Chief [SK06]

Courtney [SK09]
. 11-12-06 - Shining Knights are NO MORE!!
The Shining Knights are gone!
All members have gone on to live their lives in peace!
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Shining Knights: Founders Guardian
 Alpha Team
Shining Knights: Alpha Team Zog
Norbert Jones
The Bobster
 Beta Team
Shining Knights: Beta Team Chief
Morbid Angel
 Gamma Team
Shining Knights: Gamma Team Courtney
 Delta Team
Shining Knights: Delta Team Shadow
Grim Squeaker
 Epsilon Team
Shining Knights: Epsilon Team Spider
All members of the Shining Knights are placed in teams, according to when they joined.
The team system was created for easy reference, and in no way depicts a member’s status.
The Shining Knights are a democracy, in which all members have an equal say.

The Shining Knights - About Us
To protect the world from devastation... oh wait, that's the wrong script! Hang on a sec...
... . . .
Ah! Here it is!

Chapter 1: The birth of the Shining Knights!

Picture the scene: Cambridge Regional College, LRC Stage 2, early on a summer's afternoon.
A group of students are surfing the web, playing video games, and generally having a good time.
Sadly, the T.A.S. saw this and decided to put a stop to it!
They went to work, setting up security lockouts and access restrictions for every PC on campus!
Not only that, but they also vowed to catch anyone not using the PCs for 'educational purposes', and expell them!
Fed up with this, a handful of students decided to form a group dedicated to fighting their oppressive rule.
Those students became known as ''The Shining Knights'.

Chapter 2: The Great War!

We setup a website on fortunecity, letting the students how to disable the college security lockouts.
The students were now more aware of the T.A.S., and were careful to keep watch for them.
However, the T.A.S. knew this, and were quick to response to it! They found our site, and locked it out!
Then they changed ALL their passwords, and upgraded the security to the ultimate level!
But we weren't about to give up that easily!
We immediately setup a new site, where the security information was hidden.
Slowly, the students found it, and learnt how to get past the upgraded security.

Chapter 3: New Horizons!

Eventually, we finished our courses at college, and departed for the world of employment.
But we knew that the T.A.S. was just the tip of the iceberg! The threat is still very real!
We decided that the Shining Knights should stay, and do whatever they can to aid these people.
True, we cannot do much ourselves, but every little helps towards the greater good!
To this day, we still do everything we can to uphold the right to 'freedom of information'.
And when we're not doing that, we’ll just surf the web, and have some FUN!!!