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Unknown Name (see below for a chance to name the site!)

February 24: Time for the premire of my new site, dedicated almost entirely to building decks. As every duelist knows, the deck is the most important thing in a duel. Without it, you don't have much of a game!

This site will feature deck articles, covering their construction, their various strategies, and their weaknesses. Until I post the first article (sometime soon), I do have the main directory for you to look over. It's called the Deck List, so go check it out!

I'll be updating frequently, and am working on moving to a more stable site. If this move is made, I'll be sure to let everybody know! But until then, enjoy the site, and expect the first article soon!!

Also, I'm giving you guys the opportunity to name the site. Think of a good name, and e-mail me with it! I'll choose the best one, and that'll be the site's name!

---- ShadowStorm14 ----