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97th Security Forces Spouses Group

Upcoming Events, Be sure to attend!

Good eats and lots of fun was had by all that attended the Pampered Chef and Home Interiors Party hosted by Mary Joy and Katy Lowery! Thanks ladies!
Amber Mader is hosting a July Popular Club Party at her house on July 15th @ 6:00 pm. Come on out to 309A Cedar to join in the fun. She will have some goodies to share so RSVP to her and let her know that you can come.
In August, Krystalle Guzman is looking to host a girls night out, so keep an eye out for updated information!
Also in August is the Altus Air Show. It is Sat. Aug, 21st from 9-5. The Spouses Group will have a booth of drinks and crafts for sale. We will need volunteers to help run the booth. If you can spare 1/2 an hour to help us out please let us know! Then you can enjoy the show!
On the MOM front we have 32 defenders deployed at this time and wish all the spouses our prayers during this time of seperation. We will have another group deploying soon.
If you are interested in starting a special activity group (bunko, scrapbooking, book club, golf, etc) please contact Katerina at or Tammy
Hope to see some new faces at our upcoming meetings. Grab a friend and come on out. We have more activities scheduled for the rest of the summer so look at the web page for updates. If you would like to host a meeting for the spouses group or have fun ideas for get togethers please contact me.
If you have any questions please email us. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for the chairperson of the committees please email them directly.If you would like to be a point of contact for a chair please email me and let me know.
