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Skylla/Omega IKC|| ASAN/Sepharu Keeon/Skylla/BHG -H

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This Is my scenerio for The IKC Enjoy

As Sepharu finishes listening to the comm link he shakes off some of the feeling. The light is not as bad now he can make out some of the room. It looks like a old bed room of sorts. He still staggers around the room. He fines a closet and finds a pair of dress pants and a shirt. They are a little big on him but at least he is not naked. He also thinks about the rubber hand. "what could it be for, what use" He said. "Where am I why cant I remember anything last night? Ooh wait now I remember, I was at a party cause of Nightweaver and Chronas making CH and CRA. But how did I get here? " saying to himself."Who knows, all that matters is that I get myself back to the cernum , but how I must still be hungover pretty bad im seeling little green box now" laughing at himself.

He decided to see if its imagination so he walks over and there is actully a green light. It seems to be a to scanning pad for prints. So he sticks his hand on the pad and its invalid. He tries his other had and it didnt work either. He thinks about this and kicks the wall but that wasnt smart he hurt his foot. While throbbing in pain it comes to him, the hand. Why didnt he think of it first. He grabs the hand and puts it on the scanner, It worked. So now he exit