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Potassium Permangate and Glycerine


Potassium Permangate and Glycerine

This is often used as a chemical delay.  Potassium Permangate will begin to oxidises the glycerine on contact.  As the substances begin to heat up the rate of oxidisation increases and ultimately will spontaneously ignite.  The speed of the reaction is depended on grain size and the ambient temperature.  I believe this may be able to start a thermite reaction.  The time till ignition will vary sometimes as fast as 10seconds other times 2 mins.  Using this as a sole delay as it’s unpredictable.  However I have found it great for setting of explosives.  The device is fused as normal and the mixture laid on the tip of the fuse, that way there is no need to hold a naked flame anywhere near the explosive and with the fuse there is a longer minium delay.


Test Potassium Permangate and Glycerine