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Acetone Peroxide


Acetone Peroxide

Acetone Peroxide is the most commonly created High Explosive by the enthusiasts.  This is because it is also a very simple explosive to create and is made from easy to obtain chemicals.  However being a peroxide it is unstable and must be treated with due care.  AP forms in many different isomers, the preferred being TriCycloAcetonePeroxide (other names exist TATP TCAP for example).  This is the most stable and powerful form and is created when the synthesis is preformed at low temperatures.  The explosive will defragulate when loose and in small amounts but when confined or pressed will detonate with a sharp crack.  The substance is volatile and will evaporate over time and if given a chance will form in other isomers which are more unstable.  Do not store in a container with a screw lid as AP may form in the threads and can be set of from the friction of turning the lid.  The velocity of detonation is around 5300 m/s which depends on the density of the explosive.


Test of TCAP