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Info Page and What's New

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Links to Points and Stuff
Grease Schedule

Speech Club Officers!


Congratulations to everyone who got a part in the musical, Grease!!! Wooooo!! If you are in the show but would like to come see it, it will be March 29 and 30. I'll put the times up when I find out what they are :)


If you don't already know, you're probably not actually on the team, but we practice every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the auditorium. If you need a piece, need some help, or just want to practice (hence the name practice), stop by.

Way Cool Hoodies!!

You may have seen some of us way cool speechies walking around with these cute little hooded sweatshirts that say Scott County Speech and Drama on them. They are way awesome, and Mrs. Paige is selling them for thirty dollars. Believe me, it's worth the price. If you'd like on, see Mrs. Paige. She works down in the ninth grade computer lab.

What's Next??

Here's a list of the upcoming tournaments:

CFL: March 1
NFL: March 8
KESDA: March 20-22
KHSSL: March 27-39