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salvaged (and proud of it)


(slvj)[Obsolete French, from Old French salvaige, right of salvage, from Late Latin salvre, from Latin salvus, safe. See sol- in Indo-European Roots.]The act of saving imperiled property from loss. The property so saved. Something saved from destruction or waste and put to further use.

alright people... the page is looking somewhat better, although i am not really overjoyed about it's appearance. it's acceptable. at least it doesn't hurt the eyes...

so i've added a few new features... and am currently working on a personal info page... stuff like my likes and dislikes... maybe i'll do one of those horribly long surveys you get sent... and i know EVERYONE out there want to read all about ME otherwise you wouldn't even be here


(n.)fortitude and determination; The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage

my blog
the long and winding road
exploding dog

don't make me get violent... sign my guestbook...

look at this!
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