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Final Fantasy IV


Table of Contents

  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.General tips
  • 3.The Characters
  • 4.The Walkthrough
  • 5.Secrets and Tips


    Final Fantasy 4 was released in Japan with 2 different versions available to gamers; Easytype, which was more for the "little brothers" and, the HArdtype, which I, as well as many others, consider the "real" version of the game. This guide will focus on the overall game, and will contain MASSSIVE SPOILERS. Read at your own risk.

    @xxx|=======================>GENERAL TIPS<==============================|xxx@

    Before we delve into this, here's some helpful hints that should keep you alive! 1. SAVE OFTEN!!! Believe me, nothing sucks more than having to restart after levelling up for 5 hours or so! Try to keep about 5 or 6 Tents / Cabins handy at all times.

    2. Be prepared! Try to have at least 30 potions, and later, hi-potions for the road, to save MP. Also, keep a decent supply of "Life" items around. Should your healer die, and you have no "Life" items, you ARE going to burn thorugh your healing item stock rather fast.

    3.A properly equipped party is a happy party! Don't be stingy with your money. ALWAYS try to keep your party wit the best gear available. If you run out of funds, just fight some enemies for more cash. You'll also gain valuable EXP this way! Its win-win!

    4. Exploit enemy weakness whenever possible! Remember, use Scan if you can't seem to damage enemies enough, or if your getting your butt handed to you on a silver platter. Of course, most enemies, their weakness is PAINFULLY obvious...Gee, what could a FLAMEDOG be weak against? Beware, though, this can backfire on you, sinve some armors give YOU weaknesses!

    5. In my books, when buying equipment, go for the armor first. Especially for Cecil when he becomes a paladin. This way, he can take more hits...invaluable when protecting a summoning Rydia!

    6. While I will almost never tell you to level up, take note of the fact that if you are getting beaten to a pulp by a boss (Valvalis is notorious for this), just gain a few levels, and try again. Usually, though, just try to second guess the boss's attacks. Trust me, you will see a general pattern after fighting it a few times.

    More to come, later on...

    @xxx|===============>THE CHARACTERS<===================|xxx@

    @xx|::::::::::::::::::::>The Fighters<::::::::::::::::::::|xx@

  • Cecil

  • Job-Dark Knight of Baron/Paladin

  • Weapon-Dark Swords, Swords, Knight (Holy) Swords

  • Special ability(ies):Dark Wave- hits all enemies. White magic Cover.

  • Magic Type-White (When Paladin)

  • Background- Cecil was orphaned as a child, and was adopted by King Baron at the Age of Two. When he got old enough to enroll in the academy, he did so. King Baron quickly recognized Cecil's affinity for the sword, and trained him to be a Dark Knight. Cecil raised up very quickly in the Ranks of Baron's army, eventually landing himse;f the commanding position of Baron's Elite Red Wings. After he steals Mysidia's Crystal, he begins to question why the King is gathering the crystals, and hurting the innocent. Cecil knows the King has changed but he can't bring himself to question his liege. Maybe there is more to this than meets the eye...

  • Comments: Cecil is a Fighter, first and foremost. When he is a Dark Knight, he can use the Dark Swords, whcih are really powerful for when ya have them. He can also hit multiple enemies with his "Dark Wave" attack. When he becomes a Paladin, he gains the ability to use Holy Swords, which can have attack powers of, like 200, as well as some low level white magic. Cure 2 is really helpful for self preservation early on ;). His "Cover" take effect atomaticaly when an ally is weakened, but you can manually set who he wil take the hits for.


  • Cain (Kain)

  • Job: Dragon Knight (Dragoon)

  • Weapon:Spear, Swords

  • Special Ability: Jump- He jumps in the air, and comes down on the enemy for twice the damage of a normal attack.

  • Magic Type: None.

  • Background:Kain is also in Baron's army, and, like Cecil, is a good fighter. He was going to be trained as a Dark Knight as well, by the King of Baron, but rejected it, because he wanted to be a Dragon Knight. He said he wanted to folllow in his fathers footsteps. There seems to be a kind of Rivalry between Cecil and Kain.

  • Comments: Keep this guy with a spear. ALWAYS. He does double the damage when he jumps when he is equipped with a spear. You dont really need to worry, because he almost always has a Spear that is more powerful than anything you can really buy.


  • Cid

  • Job: Engineer

  • Weapon:Hammer

  • Special Ability: Peep- Same function as the spell "Libra" except w/o the Mp cost. Lets you see enemy HP, MP, and weakness, if any.

  • Magic Type:None

  • Background: Not much is really said about Cid's background, but, as always in Final Fantasy games, he is associated with SOMETHING that flies....such as an airship. HE has a daughter and a wife at his home in the Town of Baron. More will come as I attain new info about this cool character :)

  • Comments: Cid is an all around good fighter. Keep him in the front Row, and, when you get his Gaea HAmmer, use it as an item to hit al enemies with the *Quake Spell. Great with the Magus sisters.


  • Job: Ninja

  • Weapons: Claws, Katanas

  • Special abilities: Dart- Throw unused swords and knives at enemies. Ninja Magic

  • Magic Type: Ninja (Black/White)

  • Background: Edge is the hot tempered Prince of Eblan, which was destroyed by Golbeze. He is out to kick the crap outta Rubicante, and to avenge his Parents' deaths.

  • Comments: Edge is kinda the "Red Mage" of Final Fantasy 4. He can use OK weapons, and Cast OK magic (His magics deal damage between the "2 and 3" of spellls...think Fire 2.5, Ice 2.5, and Bolt 2.5) , but hes really middle of the road. Keep him in the front row for one reason: To prevent Rydia or Rosa from bieng brutally massacred. Otherwise, hes an OK character.


  • Yang

  • Job: Monk

  • Weapons: Fists, Claws

  • Special Abilities: Kick-Hit all enemies for low-OK damage. Endur- Raise defense Build- Double attack pwr for one strike.
  • Magic Type: None.

  • Background: Yang is the Karate Master of Fabul. He is the most trusted person of the King. He has great Physical strength, and he also trains all the Monks in the castle. His Wife lives in one of the towers of the castle.

  • Comments: Yang is best used as a frontline fighter, as he can deliver really huge damage. His Claws can give him the added effect of elements to your attacks, and he is ambidextrous. This means that you can have him with an Ice and Thunder Claw, having a better chance of exploiting an enemy's elemental weakness.

    ===============O The Mages O==================

  • Rosa

  • Job: White Wizard

  • Weapons: Bow & arrows, Staves.

  • Special abilites: Aim- Get a 100% hit rate on enemies, and do more damage with bows. However, this takes some charge time, so use it with caution. Nothing sucks more than Rosa Aiming when she SHOULD be Cure4-ingWhite magic

  • Magic Type: White

  • Background: Rosa is a friend of Cecil's, and it is whispered around BAron that she and Cecil....uhhh...y'know. She is a potent white wizard, and she has a tendancy to get in trouble b/c of her love for Cecil.

  • Comments: Rosa should ALWAYS be in the back row, because she doesnt have much HP, and can get easily wounded. Also, when you need to, she will inflict the same damage as if she was in the front Row if you attack, because her Bow is long Range. Use her Magics well. Spells like Cure 2 and 3, and Esuna are essential to the party.


  • Rydia

  • Job: Summoner

  • Weapons: Rods, Bow & Arrows, Whips

  • Special Abilities: Call: Summon a Monster. Powerful. Black Magic White Magic(Till grown up)

  • Magic Type: Ummm...all, really. Her summons cover all the elements.

  • Background: Rydia was living a nice life in the village of Mist, a town of summoners. Then, One day, her mothers dragon was struck down, and, thus, Her Mother died. She is EXTREMELY resistant to Cecil and Kain's efforts to take her with them, and summons a Titan to cause an Earthquake to bury them. However, it is a little unfocused, and Cecil ends up carrying her to mist. She is swallowed by Leviathon a little while later, and comes back as an Adult, due to the strange flow of time in the Land of Phantom Beasts.

  • Comments: Rydia is the wielder of Magicks of mass destruction in this game, and as such, should ALWAYS be kept in the back row. Her summons pack quite a punch, and you DON'T wanna lose em. Her Black Magic is really powerful, but she doesnt have much HP. Also, note that she loses her ability to cast White Magic once she reaches adulthood.


  • Tellah

  • Job: Sage

  • Weapons: Staves

  • Special Abilities: Recall Tellah will try and recall a spell. White and Black MAgic

  • Magic Type:Black and White

  • Background: Tellah was born in Mysidia, and was a really powerful mage, but one day, he lost control of his magic and hurt many people. Over time, he has forgotten nearly all of his spells.

  • Comments: When you first meet him, Tellah will have most of the Basic White and Black Magic spells. After you meet him for a second time, and Cecil becomes a Paladin, he will recall ALL of his spells, and his "recall" ability will vanish. Also, take note that with "Recall", Tellah can cast spells he cant normally get, such as Death, Tornado, e.t.c.

  • Palom

  • Job: Black Mage

  • Weapons:Rods

  • Special Abilites: Boast Palom can increse his Magic PWR by one point each time he uses this. Lasts only for the battle. Twin Magic: Palom, along with Porom, can cast really powerful magics.

  • Magic Type: Black

  • Background: Palom was born in Mysidia, and was a prodigy at Magic. HE, along with his sister, Palom, are really powerful mages for their ages. Palom has a bit of a fresh mouth, but he is a powerful ally.

  • Comments:Palom is a poweful black mage. He will learn spells like wildfire when compared to the other people. Try using Boast several times, then cast Fire/Ice/Bolt 2, and watch the damage soar!


  • Porom

  • Job: White Mage

  • Weapons:Staves

  • Magic Type: White

  • Special Abilities: Fake Tears-Increases chances that you can run Twin:Same as Palom White Magic

  • Background:Pretty well the same as Paloms, except she is FAR more polite. (Yeah, call me lazy :P)

  • Comments: Use Porom as a support Mage. She learns stuff like Cure 2 at a low level, so she is a GREAt asset, as she can heal whilst Tellah kicks some serious booty with Bolt 3, or ANYHTINg else.


  • FuSoYa the Great

  • Job:Lunarian (AKA Super Wizard)

  • Weapons:Staves

  • Magic Type: White and Black (^_^)

  • Special Abilites: Spirit Wave (I think) FuSoYa paralyzes himself for the battle, so the Party gets a small amount of Hp back each turn. Useful in really long fights. White & Black Magic

  • Background: FuSoYa is in charge of guarding the Lunarians sleep. He resides in a Crystal Palace, on an eerie second moon.

  • Comments:This guy, is Tellah, Times 10 000. He can cast EVERY spell in the book, and has a whopping 1900 hp..that ALOT for a Mage. Kepp this guy Chargin stuff like Nuke, and Meteo, as well as a Cure 4 every now and then. Beware, tho, he has an MP cap, like Tellah, only is 190, instead of 90. Use God (FuSoYa) well.

    ==================?The other?==================

  • Gilbert

  • Job: Bard

  • Weapon:Harp

  • Magic type: None

  • Special abilities: Hide Gilbert runs and hides from battle Sing Gil randomly afflicts a status ailment on the enemy Medicine Gil distributes a Cure1 potion to the party...effects are divided among party members.

  • Background: Gilbert is the prince of Damcyan. He often dresses up as a bard to wander his kingdom, and to escape the confines of the Keep.

  • Comments: Use this guy in the back Row, anbd hide when the going get tough. HE can inflict status with his harps.

    -End of Characters..believe it or not!- On to the Walthrough!