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Rocky Reflection


This web site is dedicated to Rocky Reflection, in celebration of having him as our most adorable family member. Rocky is an Alaskan Malamute, and a gorgeous, sweet boy. This is mostly for fun but also to show some of his pictures and some pictures of his friends. Of course, I am bragging just a wee about him too!!!!



These are pictures sent to my new mom by my  foster-mom, Dru-Ann Martin, before my mom and I met and fell in love. In case you are wondering, sometimes I will be doing the talking.

Rocky is just so pretty when he throws back his head and howls. Woo-woo to you too, Rocky.

Rocky in his new yard!!!!

This is me with my brother, Jasper. We are buds!!!

This is Paris. She is a pipsqueak 10 week old girl.  Mommy is doing something called socialization.

Jasper knows I like to hog the whole hall with my body. Paris just walks right past me. She isn't even afraid when I grumble. The nerve!!! 

I just love riding in the back seat. It is my place!!

Jasper has pretty brown eyes, just like me!!! For some reason, it is hard to see his eyes, but he is almost as pretty as me. Of course, NOBODY is as pretty as me!!!

Paris is four months old now. What can I say? She loves me. Wherever I go, she wants to go. Whatever I do, she wants to do. Paris loves to play and I like playing with her. I am the gentlest mal boy there ever was. I touch her with my paw and give her love nibbles. I eat my food first,then,we share her food together. Imagine that.

Paris is a nice little sister. I can't play rough with her like I can with my bud, jasper, but I like it when she snuggles up to me. She is getting me to play more, too, and I am getting to be in very good shape. I run like a shot out of a cannon. I act more like three than eight.

Don't tell. My mommy gives me more belly rubs than anyone else. I think she loves me best. But, then I am the prettiest and the sweetest mal ever!!!

[Just beginning construction on this new website. Hurry back y'all!!]