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Riveredge Lagoon

The above screenshot of our City Hall was taken by, The-Wolf.

*** New ***
Below is our city map,
as of today January 30, 2004,
and projection for the future.


Mayor : The-Wolf
Mall Owner : Thale
Cantina Owner : Stormcrow
Server : Bria
Planet : Naboo
Location : Near the City of Keren
Coordinates : 236,28
Status: Village

January 24, 2004

===NEW Click Here===> Riveredge Lagoon Forum <===NEW Click Here===

(The above link is to a **New Forum** for the residents of Riveredge Lagoon.
It has been installed for anyone that would like to vent their frustrations, (about the city cap crap), etc!
.... or ....
We can use it to continue to play the game sharing ideas and suggestions from all of our citizens.

Again, this is a *free forum*, you will have to register to post, but we hope to hear some feedback from all of you on there!

~~ Thales Mall ~~

SWG Cash Flow or “I’m tired of always feeling broke”

Limited playing time, decreased mission rewards, buggy missions making it almost impossible to make any sort of monetary gain to do something besides looking to acquire money to do other things. It is easy to get caught in that circle and never seem to get ahead to get that next level of crafting, or that next level of equipment.

With the diversity of SWG, there is luckily an answer. Many players log on to do one thing, kill stuff, and they want to do that one thing only. But, the army needs a support staff. So if you’re looking for some money to tide over your crafting, etc, step into this area of the game a bit, and look into supplying some of those needs.

Every harvester you see uses some form of energy to run. Players gather that energy. Architects use Ore by the boatloads. Most professions use “some” specific resource and those people are always looking for the best stuff. Most any kind of Meat is a good bet IF it is of very good quality. Insect Meat is used by Combat Medics for poisons/diseases. Doctors use avian Meat in their Buff Medicines, Herbivore Meat in medicines. Tailors, architects use hides.

Many professionals do not want to invest their playing time in the hunting for resource locations, the placing of, and maintaining of harvesters. They routinely travel to Coronet, Theed, or resource vendors to buy their materials.

If you are going out on missions, kill a few different types of animals and check the quality of the meat and hides if you have scout abilities to these resources.

Every player starts the game with 10 real estate lots. Placing some harvesters might be the way to go if you have survey skills to locate inorganic materials. If you have lots available but are one of the “Players that log on to do one thing, kill stuff” you can still benefit from your lots. I for one “sharecrop” other people’s lots, so if you have no desire to be a contact people in town and start to take in a bit of extra cash on a continuous basis.

Let me, Jonju, know if there is any way I can assist anyone in this. Don't get discouraged because of money in the game.

Submitted by: Jonju
January 9, 2004

Gamevoice out ... TeamSpeak in

Using headsets with SWG seems to be the way to go. So much easier especially for the hunt and poke typists like myself.

So I tried Game Voice like most people have but have a big problem connecting.

During the day when there is nobody on, I can connect to Stormcrow’s IP address no problem. The evening is another story. When it actually would be handy to use, it’s doesn’t let me connect.

I’ve given up on Gave Voice and went with TeamSpeak. There is never a problem with it and many people from SWG who played and still play Battlefield 1942, Spearhead and now Call of Duty are very happy with it.

Here’s the link for the download

Submitted by;
(Copied from the message board)

We have added a MESSAGE BOARD where you can leave comments/messages. To access this area of the website;
~~Click Here~~

~~ Stormcrow's Cantina ~~

Thought some would like to see a fireplace I built for a customer of mine. This was built out of different products I can make in game, and then assembled in customers home. Wolf

Saturday night, (February 8, 2004), Krayt Dragon Hunt
I think the caption says it all! :-)

As you are aware, this is a *free* website, therefore we have *pop-ups*!
We are using this to provide a *simple* website for the citizens of Riveredge Lagoon.
If you have anything to contribute to this website ...
(screenshots, resource information, or anything you would like to see here)
... contact The-Wolf - and it will be added, as soon as possible.

Email Address :

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