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Living in a Chaos

Have you ever wondered why? Why am I here? Why did this happen to me? Why do I feel this way? Why? Why? Why? Life is just a question waiting to be answered. We're all searching for our own answers. Whether you're looking for love, money, happiness, or just answers. It's all a series of mind-boggling doubts about yourself and the others around you.
And what about those question to which there is no answer? Is there such a thing as aliens? What's the meaning of life? While, yes, these are all analytical thoughts, they're pointless. They are utterly useless. Is it going to change your life if we found out that there use to be life on Mars? It might for a few hours. Maybe a day or two. But within a week your life would return to its normal day-to-dayness. What I'm trying to say is, Why do we think about these things? Why do we torture ourselves with these questions? What if we didn't think about the pointless things? Then what?
The answer, I believe anyway, is that there would be no life if there were no pointless questions. So these pointless questions, aren't pointless at all. But in fact they're the core of our being. We analize life because if we don't, it will cease to exist. Something, whether it's an item or a soul, cannot exist without understanding. And at sometime in our life we lose that understanding and we take a plung into ourselves. We put on a mask and run away deep into our soul. And then we play along like everything is normal, while in fact we're not who we're pretending to be. And we wander deep into the Enigmatic Abyss forever, never to show our true face again. This is life. Life is lies. Life is non-truths. The only way to show our truths and to see the light again is to dive deeper into ourselves and reveal everything. Show our true form and open up for those who we truly love. There was one line in a song I heard by SR-71. The song is named Tomorrow. The entire song is the most perfect example to what I'm saying. But this one line in particular. "I'm not afraid of tomorrow, I'm only scared of myself. Feels like my insides are on fire, and I'm looking through the eyes of someone else." This line is the reason we all hide ourselves away from the outside and keep it locked up. We're scared. We're scared to be hurt. We're scared to open up, because if we do, there's always the chance that we'll be shot down. And to be shot down because of who you really are, because of your true self, must be the worst feeling in the world. It's unfathomable how horrible that could possibly be. So instead of standing strong and opening ourselves to the world, we duck away in our holes and never come out.
And I'm realizing that I'm the same. We're all this way, in one way or another. There are the select few who have come past this fear, and as a result, they are a better person for it. They aren't a copy. They are the original, the masterpiece that they were born to be. And those people are the ones who surpass normal human bounds and become extraordiary. The ones who revolutionize the world.
And so, in my own search, I'm writing this website to convince all of you out there that you don't need to be scared, you don't need to hide away. Search within yourself, and find your true being. When it comes out, you may, no, you WILL, be met with hurt and ridicule, but don't back off. Stand tall and know that this is who you are, and no one can change that. So think those pointless thoughts, discover what lays beneath them. For it could be the answer you're searching for.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my site. I hope it will help you in finding what you're looking for.

The Human Dream: What we live for and think about

Good vs. Evil: The battle within ourselves

Quotations to think about

A Little About Me