Application to Date Me

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Hey guys! I spent an obscene amount of time creating this thing - every time I got bored studying for physio and latin, which was about every five minutes. So, now it's your turn to waste some time. And I need some amusement while I study for two MORE f-ing finals next week... So, everyone has to fill it out, and you'd better make it good, ok? So if you highlight the application, then you can copy and paste it into an email. Push the insert button on your keyboard to write over the blanks, and make Yes / No answers bolded. (and if something seems like a TMI, then you should probably be making it up, we're going for ha-ha here!! and p.s. if you didn't pick up on it already, this is not exactly serious, I'm not THAT desperate!!! Geez, guys...). Then email your answers to Oh, and if I don't have your screen name already, include that in your email too! Best answers get taken out for dinner!! Best of luck! Mwah!

<3, Sarah

Name:________________________________________________________________________ M / F

Age:_________ Weight:__________lb Height:___________feet____________inches

Males Only: Length:______________inches Girth:________________inches

Relationship History


How many girls have you kissed?_________

How many girls have you gotten head from?_______ given head to?_______

How many girls have you had sex with?_______

Have you ever had a sexual experience with another man? Y / N Describe it:__________________________________________________


How many girls have you kissed?_______ Boys?_______

How many boys have you had sex with?_______

Have you ever been with a girl before? Y / N

Do you own a vibrator or a similar device? Y / N Model:______________________________________


How many one-night stands have you had?________ Fuckbuddies?_______

What is the duration of your longest relationship?_________years__________months

Where’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?_______________________________________________

Sexual Preferences

Have you named your unit? Y / N If so, is this name still in use? Y / N What is its name?______________________________________

What’s your favorite position?____________________________________________________

Given the choice, would you defecate on a girl? Y / N

What’s your preferred method of birth control?____________________________________________________

Sex fantasies:_____________________________________________________________________________________

What are your feelings on threesomes?________________________________________________________________________

What sort of lighting do you prefer (on, off, blacklight, etc?_____________________________________________________________________

Quickies or marathons? Why?__________________________________________________________________________________________

#1 Mood Song:________________________________________ By:__________________________________________

Feelings on open relationships:_______________________________________________________________________

Is biting permitted? Y / N Nibbling? Y / N

Background Info

What’s your concentration?______________________________ GPA:________



Intended Career:____________________________________

Likely Salary: $_______ , __________ , __________ , __________ , __________ /year

Any special life goals/dreams?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever been arrested? Y / N Were you convicted? Y / N Details:________________________________________________________

Do you smoke? Y / N How much?_______________________packs/day

Do you drink? Y / N How much how often?___________beers/week

Do you take any drugs? Y / N Which?_______________________________________

Languages besides English you are fluent in:______________________________________________________________________________

How often do you shave?_________________________/week

Where do you shave?______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Really Important Issues

How would you describe your relationship with your mom?__________________________________________________________________________________________

Favorite Ninja Turtle:_______________________________________________

Describe your massage skills:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are your feelings on stay-at-home-mothers?___________________________________________________________________________________________

Can you wash your own laundry? Y / N

What’s your political ideology?________________________________________________________________

Favorite Star Wars movie:_________________________________________________

Dogs or cats?_____________________

Who’s the best James Bond?_____________________________________

Do you enjoy spooning? Y / N

Do you leave the toilet seat up? Y / N

Favorite Disney movie:_________________________________________________

Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend (or boyfriend)? Y / N

Rate your dancing skills:_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you cook well? Y / N What’s your specialty?__________________________________________

Describe how you spend money (saver, big spender, etc):________________________________________________________________

Boxers or briefs?__________________________________

Multiple Choice

About how often do you watch porn?
A) every day
B) once a week
C) once a month
D) less than once a month
E) never

Who’s hottest?
A) Britney Spears
B) Christina Aguilera
C) Nicole Kidman
D) Hilton Sisters
E) Olsen Twins

What’s the ideal breast cup size?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) all boobies are ideal

There’s a big game on, but I want to watch Sex and the City. You
A) Watch the game anyway
B) Watch SATC with me
C) Flip between both shows during commercial breaks
D) Go to a friend’s house to watch the game
E) Watch SATC and complain the whole time

It’s our anniversary. You
A) forgot
B) send a dozen roses
C) take me out to an expensive restaurant
D) bought a diamond ring
E) plan a romantic night in (with candles and massage oil, of course)
F) don't celebrate anniversaries. ever.

It’s Super Bowl Sunday. You
A) don’t care
B) take me to the game
C) watch it with me on TV
D) go to a friend’s house to watch the game
E) want me to cater your Super Bowl party

After a long day at work, you come home and
A) expect dinner ready (your slippers and newspaper should be handy, too)
B) cook a fancy dinner for me
C) take me out for dinner
D) eat leftovers
E) worry about dinner after sex

Ideally, a girl has
A) an untamed Amazonian bush (au naturale)
B) a landing strip
C) a decorative design (perhaps your initials?)
D) a neatly trimmed area
E) no hair whatsoever (completely bald)

The ideal first date
A) is dinner and a movie
B) ends with a goodnight kiss
C) includes meeting parents
D) is unique and memorable
E) always ends in sex

Best place to be kissed is
A) lips
B) neck
C) ears
D) nipples
E) down south

Who’s hottest?
A) young Harrison Ford
B) Orlando Bloom
C) Johnny Depp
D) Brad Pitt
E) Josh Hartnett

Which scene is hottest?
A) standing up – The Astronaut’s Wife
B) on the stairs – The Thomas Crowne Affair
C) in the jungle – The Sleeping Dictionary
D) cheap motel room – Wild Things
E) in a monastery – The Name of the Rose
F) another suggestion:______________________

The sexiest lingerie is
A) Black
B) Red
C) Lace
D) Satin
E) Not on

Ooh baby! That's all I got for ya now, but thanks for filling out my application ;) Tell your hot friends!