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Bunny's Welcome page Version 0
Up and Running again!!

Somethings you should know RIGHT NOW!

Welcome to My webpage!!

Ok! So here's the thing. This is my first ever webpage (it was a summer project. I kinda gave up...) and I don't expect too much from it. I had a crap crap computer but I recently got a new one so I thought I'de start this up again. I'm not sure what to put here so I think-for now- it'll be a little like, rant page/journal and I'll just... like write stuff. huh. Sounds boring.... oh well. There must be some people out there who like these (those?O_o) types of pages....

So! If you wanna see how I'm improving or better yet give me some advice (which would be greatly appreciated) you can check back any time. And once I get a scanner which I really need, I may put up some of my own drawings and shit.

So that's it I guess, for now. Thanks for reading this. If you wanna give me any advice my email is at the bottom of the page.THANKS!!

Signing out!
Bunny (this little guy comes from

Continue to The Journal.
(or go visit the old journal)
or go see some Quiz Results from some cool quizzes I did.
And there's always the links page so check it out for links to neat-o sites. There's not much here yet but keep checking. links
