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Project Loud Laser

For anyone just tuning in this is a box im building in a 92 Plymouth Laser RS hatchback. 2 Shocker 18" Super Extreme's run off a modded Earthquake Shredder PH D2. Enclosure volume is 15.2 cubic feet at the moment and then port displacement needs to be subtracted once its figured out what kind of port(s) is being used. Plus there will be more bracing going in so that will further bring box volume down. Im guessing 15.0 and then subtract port volume. Enjoy the site, please leave feedback if you have any. Email addy is at the bottom. Thanks.

Alright here are some pictures that show the shapes of the box off pretty nicely:

These pictures that follow give a better idea of the actual measurements of the box:

The first picture shows that the box is 41 inches wide.

The next 2 pictures show how deep the box is at the height of the bottom of where the port will be. The first shows a big picture of what we measured, the second is a close-up on the measureing tape so you can see the measurement clearly.

These next 2 pictures are the last pictures and what they show is an idea of how long the port can be. Now one thing I didnt do that I should have done was measure how high up we were measuring, which was approximately 8-9 inches or so im guessing. Basically saying that a port thats 8-9 inches tall cant be as long as the measurement we got so that it doesnt contact the back wall due to its angle. Now, im guessing any port we made would be wide and short though, so that we CAN go deeper if we need to be. The only bad part about going wide and short though is that if we go too wide then the air has a harder time getting to the rear of the enclosure than it does going through the port. Soooo basically the port cant be too wide or im guessing there will be problems so either make it taller and not as wide or make 2 ports? Let me know what you think.

Email me at and let me know what you think people. Thanks for viewing.
