[**Insert Name Of Website Here**]

[Yes, YES, DANCE FOR ME, MY SWEET...Muhahahahahahhaha...]

You heard me, SIGN IT!

I've finally updated the main page. Even I was getting sick of the old Hispanic diary routine.

Check my diary, nonetheless. HINT-TRY THE CAT...!]

You make me feelThe current mood of notpraseeda@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

For the real webcounter S.C.R.O.L.L.

Spead the word, Help me out here, will ya?

Increase my traffic or die trying* "Guys are like public toilets: some of them are taken and some are full of shit...!"--Anon Ofcourse this only applies to public toilets everywhere BUT singapore...

Stupid Angelfire deleted my site, therefore I'm forced to restart my counter. Just add 1867 people to the counter and youll know how many people have visited my site. Sighhh...Revenge will be mine, angelfire. Muahahahahahahhaha