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Dan's Stuff
My random stuff....
Buddy Icons!
To use these for AIM, do this:
Right click an icon and click "Save Image As".
2. Save it wherever you want on your computer.
3. In Instant Messenger, click "My AIM", "Edit Options", and "Edit Preferences...".
4. Click "Buddy Icons", then browse through your computer to find the icon you just saved.

Note:  I couldn't get the animated icons to save correctly by using Internet Explorer, so you may have to use Netscape if you want the blinking ones.

Special Requests:

For B.M. and Shannon....
Guys     Tyler     Marshmallows

For Wes and Roth....
Dave Chappelle     9mm     Lil' Jon     Delux_247     Delux / Wes     Cracka

For Brittany....
Dan's Stuff

For TobyMacFreak....
Pirates     Depp

For Emily....

Note Nazi

Comic Drawn by Wes

Based on a true story, this comic is both compelling and moving to the extreme.
For more from Wes and myself, go HERE!

Martha and Me

 Cartoon Short
Inspired by Kevin Mast
No audio or anything, and it's just a Gif image, so it's a pretty small file....


Cartoon Short Inspired by... Me, I Guess....
Music, Sound FX, and tons of action.  Will take a while to load....

Varsity Basketball:

Andy     Chris     Daniel     Josh     Marcus     Paul     Stephen
Travis     Tyler     Willie     Chris     Keener
CCHS     Comets!     Team Photo     Dunk!
Good run, guys!

Varsity Baseball:

More will be added as photos become available....

Poster1 Poster2

Official Movie Site with wallpapers, screensavers, galleries, biographies, etc.

Free Guestmap from Bravenet

Free Message Forum from Bravenet

Free Guestbook from Bravenet

Star Wars:

Grievous3     Grievous1     Pabs     Anakin III     Grievous4     Anakin     AnakinDark
Grievous5     Grievous6     Anakin Pilot     Natalie     GWL     Mace

The Matrix:

Matrix1     Matrix2     Neo1     Smith2     Neo2     Smith3     Neo3
Smith1     Smith4     Smith5     Twins     Revolutions     Larry  ← Will Ferrell

Passion of the Christ:

Passion     Passion2     Passion3     Passion4     Passion5     Passion6     Passion7
Passion8     Passion9     Passion10


Bored     Blode     Food     Griblit     Hairy     Crab