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Micheal And mY convos

AIM: Micheal: yoy allison are you there Allison: Yes, what do you need? Micheal: is huston there Allison: No, why would he be? I mean I'm not going out with him. So he wouldn't be here. Micheal: true Allison: SO, what are you doing? Micheal: allison Allison: Yes? Micheal: i love you Allison: Wow. You actually admitted it. Micheal: so u dunt luv me? Allison: I do. It's just tha-tha-... Micheal: that what?!? Allison: Oh, nothing... Micheal: tell me! Allison: Uh... Why don't you ask Huston? Micheal: BrB. let me call him! Allison: -crap- Away Message: Finding out if my girlfriend is cheating... Allison: Nice one. Micheal: WTF IS UR FIN PROBLEM?!??! Allison: I'm sorry! It's just that like we were gettting like into the conversation, and then we kissed, and I said oh crap. Then I said I can't. Then he said you know what this means? Then I said no. Then he like pulled me toward him and we started to make out. Micheal: i thot that i was goin 2 b the gy that u were going to kiss for the first time? Allison: You don't understand! Micheal: yes i do. bye Allison: But Micheal! Micheal: wat? Allison: I'm sorry. Micheal: ... Allison: Can't we still be friends? Micheal: >:( Allison: Micheal: u dunt no Allison: -sigh- oh my god! I didn't think that you'd make this much of a deal out of it. If it's anyone that you should be mad at, It'd be Huston. Micheal: im mad @ him too Allison: :'( Micheal: btu im even MORE mad at YOU Allison: I understand. Micheal: This just damaged our whole friendship Allison: I'm so so freaking sorry! Micheal: Its over i ccant b wif u ne more Allison: huh? Why not? Micheal: You have the nerve to ask that? 3 months! 3 months i wasted on you. and u go 2 fuk around wif my friend. i shud have known. Allison: Uh! It was the first time, one more chance? Micheal: Why dont you go cry to Huston? Allison: He's not home anymore. Allison: :') Micheal: It's not funny Allison: soz Micheal: i dunt wann 2 speek 2 u no mowe Allison: i gess ill c u @ sccool Micheal: i guess Allison: bye Micheal: BYE!!! And I haven't talked since...