-Kurits E. Flush-

A.K.A. Tom/Akbar...A very feared emcee, spontaneously expresses his split personality with an angry conveinance store clerk known to all as Akbar...His freestyles mainly describe the many troubles the average store clerk must deal with each day...Especially the stealing of kendy...


A.K.A. Vishnu/Paul...Another feared emcee, partner in ownership of a convenience store with Akbar...Not known for freestyling, but can do so when the mood is right...Complex in writing, can be serious and/or funny with lyrics...Also does not enjoy the burglary of kendy from storrrre...


A.K.A. Stefan...Not known for his skills in emceeing, but believe it they are there...He can entertain an audience with his antics as well as his hilarious freestyle lyrics...He is new to the rap world, and is experiencing the music both listening as well as writing...He is sure to impress you and continues to elevate constantly...Does not care about kendy...


A.K.A. Slo-Mo-Homo/Ryan...King of freestyling, when he is feelin it...Can go for hours if let, but also takes hours to get places...Quite contradictory ehh???...He is slow to get started but when warmed up spits fire...Enjoys freestyling about fighting under the lights at night???...Also doesnt share much interest about kendy...

-Dan Ivers-

A.K.A. Dan/Wide Fanny Danny...College has seriously hindered his involvement but his passion is still obvious...Drugs may have overpowered his mind, but not his lyics...You may think you are reading the words of a psychopathic killer when peepin one of his verses, but fear not...it is only dan, gentle harmless dan...Be sure to check his unusual style it will entertain you fo sho...Only likes kendy that is made with refer as the main ingredient...