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HIM is a goth metal band from Finland, there must be someting in the water there because the lead singer, Ville Valo, is like a god! Just one thing in case you were wondering, for those of you who dont think so Ville is not gay, he just loves the band members like they were family, many people do things like that you just dont hear about them as often as you hear about Ville kissing Mige.

What more can I say except that Brian Molko (the lead singer)is just as cute as can be, he's gets that lost little boy look and you just want to take him home with you! And no the fact that he's bisexual doesn't bother me a bit!!So he sometimes dresses like a woman, he can pull it off and make make-up look oh so good!

Here is Brian Molko with my absolute favorite man Robert Smith of The Cure.