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The Players

Here you find a list of the players at Perpetual Motion.

Contact the Ops if you would like your character profile posted.
Pictures are welcome but not required, and you do not have to follow the formats below.

Petra Telori

>>Initiate Voice Recognition<<
>>>Indicate Identification Number<<<
>>>>>Petra Telori Selected<<<<<
>>Initiate Vitals File 4.361<<
>>>>>Name: Petra M. Telori
>>>>>Age: 26
>>>>>Race: Human
>>>>>Heights: 1.76 meters
>>>>>Weight: 59.09 kilograms
>>>>>Hair: Dark Brown
>>>>>Eyes: Blue
>>>>>Skin: Olive
>>Initiate Voice File 4.361<<
‘Hi, I’m Petra Telori. I am a semi permanent resident here on Perpetual Motion. Right now, I’m 26 years old, and I know they do these silly recordings every year, so that’s bound to be correct. I am originally from the Novio system, Novio 3, to be exact, but I’ve been here on the PM for almost 8 years now. When I say here, I mean I’m here when I’m not...away. So I'm here most of the time, but not all of it. I’d know my way around this place with my eyes shut, and I can find just about anything for you, so if you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask. Just remember, everything, and everyone, has a price. You can usually find me in one of the common rooms or in Typhon’s. That’s the local pub. Either way, enjoy your stay on the PM, and safe travels, stranger.’
>>Voice File End<<

Jade Volta

Personnel Files for the Federation Agency of Diplomacy and Customs
Employee Number: 527-3-1-12
Name: Jade Kitajima Volta
Sex: female
Age: 26
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Height: 1.60020 meters
Weight: 56.699 kilograms
Nationality: Citizen of the Federation, Japanese ancestry
Birthplace: Mars
Office: Diplomat and regional Federation representative for the space station The Perpetual Motion
Training: Martian School of Federation Service, Federation Academy of Diplomacy
Prior Experience: Served under Captain Moby Osamu at Mars VII
Health: mental good, physical good
Family: history of diplomacy, mother and father both customs officers, mother served as head diplomat to Mars, only child.
Notes: Cheerful disposition, clever mind. Eager to follow orders and please superiors. Possible candidate for further projects.


Arcanus Typhon

>>Initiate Voice Recognition<<
>>>Indicate Identification Number<<<
>>>>>Arcanus Typhon Selected<<<<<
>>Initiate Vitals File 2.574<<
>>>>>Name: Arcanus C.S. Typhon
>>>>>Age: 47
>>>>>Race: Human (cybernetic implants)
>>>>>Heights: 1.87 meters
>>>>>Weight: 95.50 kilograms
>>>>>Hair: Dirty Blond (kept shaved)
>>>>>Eyes: Green
>>>>>Skin: Pale
>>Initiate Voice File 2.574<<
‘Arcanus Typhon. Owner of Typhon’s Hole in the Wall Pub. I’ve got the best drinks on the station. And that’s got nothing to do with me being the only bar on the station. My place is where all the action is in this place. Mercenaries, aliens, robots, drunks. They’re all here. I’ve seen everything in my 23 years here, so don’t you try to impress me. Don’t you go owing me more money than you got either. I don’t need no extra help in my pub, so I don’t want anyone having to work off a debt. ’
>>Voice File End<<
>>Initiate ****Classified****<<
>>>Access Denied<<<<
>>Enter PASSCODE<<
Medical Bay Register
Arcanus C.S. Typhon—Arrived: 14.09.975
Height—1.87 meters
Weight—77.11 kilograms
Blood type—O positive
Prior Injuries Sustained—Loss of L. Arm and majority of R. leg, heavy blood loss, concussion, shrapnel
Cause of Injuries—Explosion (Battle of Jetten Edge)
Procedures—Blood Transfusion, Shrapnel Removal, Cybernetic Implantation (L. arm and R. leg)
Hospitalization—Three weeks, two days
>>File ****Classified*** End<<

Doktor Erik von Stronheim

>>Quote-Corporal`Alasiri`Velyo: 'Who is this guy? How did he get here? Why is he looking at me like that?'


Samuel Vimes

>>Initiate Voice Recognition<<
>>>Indicate Identification Number<<<
>>>>>Samuel Vimes Selected<<<<<
>>Initiate Vitals File 7.682<<
>>>>>Name: Samuel Vimes
>>>>>Age: 100 years since revival (appears to be 25)
>>>>>Race: Unknown (genetically engineered, possibly originally human)
>>>>>Height: 6' 0''
>>>>>Weight: 200
>>>>>Hair: None
>>>>>Eyes: Gold
>>>>>Skin: Gold (not just tan like in the picture, his skin is actually golden.)
>>>>>Features: Dragon Tattoo starting on head, and winding around entire body (not just on head as in the photo)
>>Initiate Voice File 7.682<<
'I am now Samuel Vimes. Perpetual Motion is my new home. My true place of origin is unknown to me regardless of a century of searching. I have learned that this place is perfect for one such as me. I work on the docks, and hope to become a fixture of the station and to help keep this place as the glorious testament to the variety of the universe that it is. I know I have been genetically engineered. My skin, lack of hair, long life, and other enhancements are a testament to that, but as to who the engineer was... that seems to be lost to time. Thank you for listening, I hope your stay here is enjoyable.'
>>Voice File End<<

Zephyr Valencia

Federation Security Briefing 029-1766


Known felon operating in vicinity of DS 949 Perpetual Motion. Subject is armed and should be considered extremely dangerous. If sighted follow standard Federation protocol in apprehension of subject.

Case Name: Zephyr Valencia
Possible Aliases: West Wind, Gun on the Run, The Man From the Five
Outstanding Warrants: Murder, Conspiracy to commit murder, Illegal use of firearms to commit felony, Accessory to felony, Treason, Smuggling, Grand Theft of military cruiser
Sex: Male
Age: Approximately 23
Height: 1.88 Meters
Weight: 79.54 Kilograms
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Tanned
Origin: Five Points Constellation
Armament: Twin Custom Revolvers
Notes: Extremely adept gunslinger and marksman.



Miranda Red

Personal Brief

Sex: Female

Race: Human

Height: 1.88 meters

Weight: 49.89 kilograms

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Skin: White (usually covered in grime)

Birthplace: Colony

Health: Physically fit, well adjusted to insufficient nourishment. Smoker. Fantastic eyesight. Possible mental instability due to social shock and trauma, or hereditary mental illness.

Distinctive Features: Androgynous, tall and lanky. Red X hand-tattooed on right shoulder.

Weapon: Competent with primitive firearms, though melee is preferred.

Abilities: Specialized and custom mechanics.

Back story: Originally from a seldom heard of backwater planet called Colony No.1. The planet is infested an run by AI, with few human colonies remaining, one of which being Miranda’s home. In desperation to bring the Planet under human control once again, and to prevent further spreading of the AI she and a rather pathetic crew ended up on PM by hijacking an AI trade ship. All but herself were lost in the small battle for control of the ship, during which she had to completely destroy the computer system. The ship was picked up by junkers after a few weeks of dead drift, she is now stranded on PM. Her speech is guttural and basic, her manners lacking and knowledge limited. She has set to wandering around the station until finding some sort of help for her home planet.

Judhael De Leo

>>Initiate Voice Recognition<<
>>>Indicate Identification Number<<<
>>>>>Judhael De Leo Selected<<<<<
>>Initiate Vitals File 10.592<<
>>>>>Name: Judhael De Leo
>>>>>Age: 26
>>>>>Race: Human (Naturally altered on extrasolar planets)
>>>>>Height: 70in or 1.78m
>>>>>Weight: 193lbs or 87.5 kg
>>>>>Hair: Black-Dark Brown
>>>>>Eyes: Black-Brown
>>>>>Skin: Beige. Pale with dark accents
>>Initiate Text File 10.592<<
‘Judhael De leo is known to have been a member of the >>>Communication error<<< Corporate Paramilitary, Private Operations Department. Notoriously unliked there, he was given the most unhealthy and undesirable sorties often to planets that lacked a suitable atmosphere for humans. Judhael De Leo survived far better than his superiors had expected and always returned often after having completed duties above and beyond what was asked. After being promoted to an Captain at the young age of 23 Judhael De Leo was sent to a very large terrestrial planet and was shot out of the sky by what he thought was an >>>Communication error<<< ship. Judhael survived the landing but was left on the hostile planet for a year until another >>>Communication error<<< ship arrived and escorted him back to the nearest planet housing an >>>Communication error<<< Sub Corporate Administration HQ and hospital, Pallas. Rumors persist that he had seen something on that planet when the >>>Communication error<<< ship arrived due to his promotion to Major and separation, >>>Communication error<<< refuses to comment and Judhael De Leo cannot be found for comment and many believe that the heavy gravity and multitude of large wild creatures caused him to go insane. Judhael De Leo was last seen leaving Pallas in a shuttle craft. He is considered a weapon unto himself with extensive background in ancient fighting techniques such as Ninjitsu and Jeet Kune Do. He is trained in most corporate combat weapons, legal and otherwise. Alias' include but not limited to: Native Sun, Lion of >>>Communication error<<<, Cockroach. Approach with extreme caution, do not confront.’
>>Text File End<<

Alessandra Raatz

Personal Profile

Name: Alessandra Raatz
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Hair: White
Eyes: Azure
Height: 6’3”
Weight: [N/A]
Nationality: Italian, Nomad.
Birthplace: Terra I
Occupation: ‘Cycle model, Nomad, dockworker.
Health: Mentally Stable, Physical Condition could be better.
Family: Born into a Motorcycle company [Final Match] who worked with a firearms dealer [Seburo], Assaj Raatz [Father, Deceased] Alia Raatz [ Mother] , Dalo [Godfather, full convert cyborg.]
Notes: Decent cyclist, can’t hold squat for booze. Treats Dalo like her real father, despite the fact he isn’t human.
Firearm: Seburo Bobsons II [11mm cased] (Will not always be on the character) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nadine Cloud

>>>> ******************* <<<<
>>>> Retrieving Bulletin 157.35.889 <<<<
>>> Age: 17
>>> Race: Human (Caucasian)
>>> Gender: Female
>>> Description: Oval face, Brown eyes, Brown hair-most likely shoulder length. Last seen wearing: Baggy black cargo-style pants, red sleeveless top, heavy black coat (orange lining), black knit cap, blue shoes, carrying a black backpack.
>>> Most likely to be seen with a small, very expensive hand held computer.
>>> Subject likely not dangerous, however will resist capture. Likely to be traveling under an alias. Proceed with caution.
>>>>>>> REWARD FOR CAPTURE: 100,000 credits
>>>>>>> REWARD FOR INFORMATION: 20,000 credits
>>>>>END BULLETIN<<<<<

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