
disclaimer -- this is all fake, everything you have read in a blurty journal has been created by our fabulous writing staff and edited by our perpet--cut the crap--this is all a game, moderated, played, and in-exsistance because of normal people who wanted to play in-between the lines a bit. More than likely, none of the events posted are factual, unless stated otherwise. In no way do any of us have a connection to a stated 'celeb' and if we did, we probably wouldn't tell the whole world about it. We don't own these people, we aren't them, and no matter how hard you dream, we still are not who we say we are. So, chill out, take a breather, join the game if you dare.

So, if you've wandered across this site, it's probably -- hopefully -- from one of these three reasons. Either a) you are included in this role-playing game; b) you found a journal of a celebrity and you're currently wondering what the fish-sticks is going on; or c) you want to be a happy little bunny and join this group of people and fit in.

Now, if you're in this little game, you'll be on a list -- which just so happens to be entitled 'the list.' That name list contains what characters are taken and where they are from, if a characters name is on that list and you want it ... sorry. Find someone not on the list.

Along with a little game, there are also rules by which it's players must abide. If one doesn't abide, they get the boot -- no, I'm not talking about Italy people (wouldn't that be nice though?). Those rules need to be heeded, otherwise actions will be taken against the person disobeying. In other words, be good puppies. Find the rules here.

On a lighter, less sarcastic note -- the sarcasm is just here to keep your attention, and if you've gotten this far, I believe it to be working -- this site has a special page, which links you to the journals of the members of this game and should be updated weekly with additional members and their journal's and aim names.

kids, play safely now..

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